■BCCurve (TG Breath Curve)
Set the Breath Curve that defines how the sound is output according to Breath Controller MIDI information.
❏ Settings: thru, soft, hard, wide
Adjusted Breath Control
Received Breath Control
Adjusted Breath Control
Received Breath Control
Adjusted Breath Control
Received Breath Control
Adjusted Breath Control
Received Breath Control
CTRL (System Controller)
In Voice Mode, you can set parameters for Controllers. The following four screens are available.
CTRL KnobA (Control Knob [A])
CTRL KnobB (Control Knob [B])
CTRL KnobC (Control Knob [C])
CTRL Other (Control Other)
CTRL Knobs [A] to [C]
You can assign various control functions to Assignable Knobs [A] to [C] on the front panel.
| CTRL KnobA) | CC# |
| Dest | |
| Sys | ] |
| ||
■CC# (Control Number)
Assign MIDI Control Change Numbers to Assignable Knobs [A] to [C].
❏Settings: 000 ~ 095 (see the separate Data List for details)
■Dest (Control Destination)
Set the function to be controlled by Assignable Knobs [A] to [C].
❏Settings: see the separate Data List for details
The positions of Knobs [A]/[B]/[C] can be memorized for each Voice, Performance.
If a Master Equalizer parameter is selected as the destination, the M.EQ settings of “vce” (in Utility Mode) are increased/decreased Using Knobs [A]/[B]/[C].
CTRL Other (Controller Other)
Set the Foot Switch parameter.
| CTRL Other) | FS |
| Sys | 64[Sustain ] |
■FS (Foot Switch)
Assign a Control Change message to the Foot Switch.
❏Settings: 000 ~ 100 (000/032 = off, 096 = Arp Sw, 097
=Arpeggio Hold, 098 = Sequence PLAY/STOP, 099/100 = Program Change INC/DEC)
Details about Control Numbers and Control Changes are given in the separate Data List.
Utility Mode