Mode Voice


Set the Cutoff frequency. This is used as the basic frequency for the selected Filter Type.

Settings: 0 ~ 255

Reso (Resonance)/Band/Width

This parameter’s function varies according to the selected Filter Type. If an LPF or HPF has been selected, this parameter is used to set the Resonance. For the BPF (excluding the BPFW) and the BEF, it is used to select the Band. For the BPFW, it is used to adjust the Width of the band.

With the LPF and HPF, the Reso parameter is used to set the amount of Resonance (harmonic emphasis) applied to the signal at the Cutoff frequency. This can be used in combination with the Cutoff frequency parameter to add further character to the sound.

With the BPF, the Band parameter is used to set the range (band) of signal frequencies passed by the filter. With the BEF, it is used to set the band of signal frequencies attenuated by the filter. In both cases, the Cutoff frequency is the center frequency of the band.

With the BPFW, the Width parameter is used to adjust the width of the band of signal frequencies passed by the filter.

Settings: 0 ~ 31

FLT HPF (High Pass Filter)

You can set the Key Follow parameters for the High Pass Filter. This screen is available only when you have one of the “LPF+HPF” settings for the Type parameter in the Filter Type (FLT Type) screen.






















Set the center frequency of the Key Follow parameter.

Settings: 0 ~ 255

KeyFlw (Key Follow)

Set the Key Follow for the HPF Cutoff. This parameter varies the center frequency according to the position of the notes played on the keyboard. A positive setting will raise the center frequency for higher notes and lower it for lower notes. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.

Settings: -200% ~ 0 ~ +200%

FLT Sens (Filter Sensitivity)

You can set Filter Sensitivity parameters for each Element.

























Set the sensitivity of the Filter to note velocity.

A positive setting will produce large filter changes for notes played harder, and a setting of zero will produce no filter changes at all. With a negative setting, the EG envelope will be inverted.

Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63

VelCutoff (Velocity Cutoff)

Set the sensitivity of the Cutoff frequency to note velocity. A positive setting will raise the Cutoff frequency for notes played harder, and lower it for notes played more softly. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.

Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63

VelReso (Velocity Resonance)

Set the sensitivity of the selected Resonance parameter to note velocity. A positive setting will produce large Resonance changes for notes played harder, and smaller changes for notes played more softly. A negative setting will have the opposite effect.

Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63

FEG VelSens (FEG Velocity Sensitivity)

You can set parameters controlling the sensitivity of the Filter Envelope Generator (FEG) to note velocity.














+63 attack








Set the sensitivity of the FEG’s Level (its effectiveness) to note velocity. A positive setting will cause larger tonal changes for notes played harder and smaller changes for notes played more softly.

A negative setting will have the opposite effect.

Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63


Set the velocity sensitivity of the FEG’s Time parameters. Use Knob [2] to select the Segment, then use Knob [1] to set its Time parameter. Positive Time settings will play back the specified Segment faster and negative values will play it back slower.

Settings (Time): -64 ~ +63

Settings (Segment): attack:

Affects the Hold Time/Attack Time/Decay 1 Time all:

Affects all FEG Time parameters