| FLT Sens (Filter Sensitivity) |
| 80 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
| FEG VelSens (FEG Velocity Sensitivity) |
| 80 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
| FEG Time |
| 81 | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| FEG Level |
| 81 | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| FEG Release |
| 81 | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| FLT KeyFlw (Filter Key Follow) |
| 81 | |||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
| FLT Scale (Filter Scale Break Point) |
| 82 | |||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||
| FLT Scale (Filter Scale Offset) |
| 82 | |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
Element Amplitude |
| 83 | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| AEG VelSens (AEG Velocity Sensitivity) |
| 83 | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
| AEG Time |
| 83 | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
| AEG Level |
| 83 | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||
| AEG Release |
| 83 | |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
| AMP KeyFlw (AMP Key Follow) |
| 84 | |||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||
| AMP Scale (AMP Scale Break Point) |
| 85 | ||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
| AMP Scale (AMP Scale Offset) |
| 85 | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||
Element LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) |
| 85 | |||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
| LFO Wave |
| 85 | |||||||
| |||||||||
| LFO Depth |
| 86 | ||||||
| ||||||||
Element EQ (Equalizer) |
| 86 | |||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
| EQ Type |
| 86 | |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||
| EQ Param (EQ Parameter) |
| 86 | ||||||||||
Menu Display
You will see the following if you use the [PAGE] knob while holding down the [SHIFT] key. Use the [PAGE] knob to move the cursor to the parameter you wish to edit, then release the [SHIFT] key to jump to the screen you were previously at.
SHIFT | PAGE | A | B | C | 1 | 2 | DATA |
Selecting a Menu
On the S30 in Voice Edit Mode, you can directly select a Menu using the PROGRAM/PART keys, [1] to [6] and [9] to [15]. Each key has an associated Menu name shown below it.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Common General
You can set the Voice Name, Voice output settings and other general parameters in the Common Edit screens. The following two screens are available for general settings.
GEN Name (General Name)
GEN Other (General Other)
GEN Name (General Name)
You can set a Voice Name consisting of up to 10 characters. You can also select the Category Name to the left of the Voice Name.
Category Name Voice Name
| GEN’Name) Ctgry |
| |||
| C 1234 |
| [Pf:Init Voice] |
| |
SHIFT | PAGE | A | B | C | 1 | 2 | DATA |
| Choose alphabetic | Move the cursor |
| ||
| characters | position |
| |
| Choose |
| Choose numeric |
| |
| a Category | characters and symbols |
Setting the Voice Name
1Use Knob [2] to move the cursor to the position of the first character. The selected character will blink.
2Use Knob [C] to enter an alphabetic character or Knob [1] to enter a numeric character/symbol.
3Use Knob [2] to move the cursor to the position of the next character.
4Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all the characters have been set for your Voice Name.
You can also use the [INC/YES] and [DEC/NO] keys or the [DATA] knob to enter alphabetic and numeric characters as well as symbols.
5Use Knob [B] to set the Category Name if necessary.
By setting the Category Name, it will be easier to identify the Voice later. The Category Search function (Page 62) can also be used to search for it. If you do not wish to set a Category Name, the Category will be shown as two hyphens.
Settings for alphabetic and numeric characters and Category Names :
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s |
t | u | v | w | x | y | z | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| ! | " | # | $ | % | & | ' | ( | ) | * | + | , | - |
. | / | : | ; | < | = | > | ? | @ | [ | ¥ | ] | ^ | _ | ` | { | } |
LCD | Category | LCD | Category |
Unassigned | Pd | Synth Pad | |
Pf | Piano | Fx | Synth Sound Effects |
Cp | Chromatic Percussion | Et | Ethnic |
Or | Organ | Pc | Percussive |
Gt | Guitar | Se | Sound Effects |
Ba | Bass | Dr | Drums |
St | Strings/Orchestral | Sc | Synth Comping |
En | Ensemble | Vo | Vocal |
Br | Brass | Co | Combination |
Rd | Reed | Wv | Material Wave |
Pi | Pipe | Sq | Sequence |
Ld | Synth Lead |
Voice Mode