Reference [Recorder]

4. Locate a point several measures before the intended punch-in point, and press the PLAY [R] key to begin recorder playback.

5. When you come to the punch-in point, press the REC [O] key (or press the foot switch).

The REC [O] key lights up, and recording begins from that


6. When you come to the intended punch-out point,press the REC [O] key (or the foot switch) onceagain.

The REC [O] key goes out, and recording is defeated from

that point.

7. To stop playback, press the STOP [P] key.

8. To check the newly recorded content, locate to the

point of step 4, and press the PLAY [R] key.Using auto punch-in/out

Auto punch-in/out is a function that lets you specify beforehand the region to be re-recorded. Punch-in will occur automatically when you reach the starting location (In point), and punch-out will occur automatically when you reach the ending location (Out point). This is convenient for example when you cannot operate the MRS-1266 because you are playing the instrument yourself, or when very fast playback/record switching is required.

In point

Out point



Track Playback







In order to perform auto punch-in/out, you must first specify the In point and Out point, and then perform the recording operation. The procedure is as follows.

1. Raise the fader of the track where you want to perform auto punch-in/out to a suitable position.

2. While playing the instrument connected to the INPUT jack, use the [INPUT] control and [REC LEVEL] control to adjust the recording level.


3. Locate the point at which you want to punch-in,and press the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key.

The [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key flashes. This sets the "In

point" at which recording will begin.

4. Locate the point at which you want to punch-out,and press the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key oncemore.

This sets the "Out point" at which recording will end. The [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] button will change from flashing to solidly lit. This indicates that the auto punch-in/out function is now enabled.


If you want to specify the in/out points precisely, it is convenient to use the scrub function (p. 52) to find the locations and assign a mark (p. 49) beforehand at the desired loca-


5. Use the Locate function to go to a spot before the In point.

6. Repeatedly press the status key for the track on which you want to perform punch-in/out, until the key flashes red.


A status key that is lit red means that the current location is between the In point and Out point. In this case, operate the transport once again to locate to a point that is earlier than the In point.

7. If you want to rehearse the auto punch-in/out,press the PLAY [R]key.

The recorder will begin playing. When you reach the In point, the track on which you are punching-in/out will be muted. When you reach the Out point, muting will be defeated. (You will always be able to monitor the input signal during this time.) Performing this action will not delete or record anything on the track.

When you are finished rehearsing, move again to a location earlier than the In point. If necessary, adjust the In/Out points.

8. To actually perform auto punch-in/out, hold downthe REC [O] key and press the PLAY [R] key.