Reference [Other Functions]

Init ALL


2. To carry out the initialization process, press the

[ENTER] key once more

The all initialize process starts. When it is complete, the unit returns to the condition of step 1.

Hard disk maintenance with the accesory CD-ROM

A CD-ROM disc is attached to the MRS-1266. You can execute the following mentainance of the hard disk.

Returning the entire hard disk to the factory default condition (RECOVER)

Restore the entire hard disk to the default condition. All data

created by the user will be erased.

Factory Initialize (VER UP) (p.158)

1. Insert the CD-ROM disc into the CD-R/RW drive, and then push the [POWER] switch to turn the MRS-1266 on.

2. Use the cursor left/right key to select "RECOVER?"(returning to the default) or "VER UP?"(Factory Initialize), and press the [ENTER] key.

Indication "Sure?" appears on the display.

3. Press the [ENTER] key once more.

Either maintenance starts. When it is complete, indication "Done" appears on the display. Eject the CD-ROM disc from the drive, and turn the unit off and then turn it on again.