Reference [Recorder]

When you reach the In point, recording will begin automatically (punch-in). When you reach the Out point, recording will end automatically, and playback will resume (punch-out).

9. When you are finished recording, press the STOP [P] key.

10. To listen to the recorded result, move to a location earlier than the In point, and press the PLAY [R] key.

If you want to re-do the recording, repeat steps 5 - 9.

11. When you are satisfied with the recording, press

the [AUTO PUNCH-IN/OUT] key so that the keygoes out.

The auto punch-in/out function is turned off, and the In point

and Out point settings are discarded.

Recording several tracks on a master track (Mixdown function)

This section explains how to play recorded tracks and rhythm section sounds and record them as a stereo mix on a master track (mixdown).

About the master track

The master track is a set of stereo tracks that is separate from the normal tracks 1 - 10. The most common use of the master track is as a target track for mixdown. The contents of the master track can be used to create an audio CD.

The MRS-1266 offers one master track for each project. Similar to the regular tracks 1 - 10, the master track also has ten virtual tracks (V-takes). This allows you to record different mixes on several V-takes and select the optimum take later.

Master track

When you set the master track to recording, the signal coming from the [MASTER] fader (same signal as supplied at the [OUTPUT] jacks) will be recorded.