Tunturi T80/F, T85/F Meter, Starts the selected training and activates the running belt

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beginners’ respiratory and circulatory performance and you will quickly feel your improvement.

TRAINER: 60-70 % of maximum heart-rate

Perfect for improving and maintaining fitness. Even reasonable effort develops the heart and lungs effectively, training for a minimum of 30 minutes at least three times a week. To improve your condition still further, increase either frequency or effort, but not both at the same time!

ACTIVE TRAINER: 70-80 % of maximum heart-rate

Exercise at this level suits only the fittest and presupposes long-endurance workouts.




Starts the selected training and activates the running belt.

SPEED CONTROL KEYS (Rabbit / Turtle)

Rabbit key increases the belt speed in 0,1 km/h / mph increments, the turtle key decreases it in 0,1 km/h / mph increments. Pressing these keys longer makes the speed change faster. Track speed ranges from 0,5-20 km/h / 0,3-12,5 mph (T80) / 0,5-22 km/h / 0,3-14 mph (T85).


Click the elevation up key to increase elevation in 0,5

%increments, and the elevation down key to decrease it in 0,5 % increments. Pressing these keys longer makes the speed change faster. Track elevation ranges from 0 % (horizontal) to 10 %.


In user settings, you can adjust the values with the arrow keys. In HRC mode, you can set and scale the target HR with the arrow keys. In exercise profiles, you can set and scale the effort level with the arrow keys. Pressing the “arrow up” key will increase the effort at 5 % steps, and pressing the “arrow down” key will decrease the effort at 5 % steps.


Press STOP once and the treadmill stops and moves into its waiting state for 5 minutes. You can restart the interrupted exercise by pressing the START key within 5 minutes. Press STOP twice to end your exercise. Keep the STOP key pressed down for 2 seconds to reset the meter. The meter then switches to its initial state.


Before you press the START key, SELECT key selects the training modes.


Confirm your selections (training mode or program, user set-ups)

O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L T 8 0 / F T 8 5 / F


You can use the MEM key to save your completed exercise in the meter’s memory. To save your data, you need to choose a user code. A total of 5 workouts can be saved under each user code.


Position Speed Control (PSC) allows you to adjust the track speed without touching the meter by changing your position on the track during exercise. The PSC function requires the use of a heart rate monitor. PSC can be used in manual exercises, HRC exercises with elevation adjustment, the Rolling Hills profile, as well as both fitness tests.


Press the SET key to choose a user code, enter user details, select display values, and to display the total training distance in kilometres and the total training time in hours.


This equipment is compatible with the T-Ware fitness testing and monitoring PC program. You will find information about the T-Ware program on the Tunturi website www.tunturi.com. The required cable is a crosswired zeromodem cable with D9F connectors at both ends.



45-220 bpm. The heart rate light always blinks when the meter is receiving a heart rate signal.

KCAL (estimated energy consumption) 0-9999 kcal, 1 kcal increment


0-10 %, 0,5 % increment


Exercise duration at 1 second intervals 00:00-59:59, and at 1 minute intervals thereafter 1:00-99:59


0.00-99.99 km, 0,01 km increment


Running deck speed (0,5-20 km/h / 0,3-12,5 mph (T80) / 0,5-22 km/h / 0,3-14 mph (T85)), 0,1 km / mph increment. A signal light indicates the selected measurement unit (km/h, mph, pace = minutes/ kilometre).


T80 features a combined text and profile display that provides instructions in English when you switch to an exercise and during the exercise itself. T85 is equipped with a separate graphic display for detailed information on your workout profile, while the text field provides instructions both when you switch to an exercise and during the exercise itself.



Image 7
Contents Käyttöohje T80/F T85/FContents Handlebar and Meter AssemblyFasten each handrail to the lower frame with four bolts HandrailsRunning Base T80 / T85Maintaining your balance Basics on ExercisingFinishing AN Exercise Session HOW to Motivate Yourself to ContinueHeart Rate Beginning AN Exercise Session00-99.99 km, 0,01 km increment MeterStarts the selected training and activates the running belt 10 %, 0,5 % incrementEntering User Details Starting with the User Details SetupChoosing AN Exercise Manual ExerciseExercise Profiles Heart Rate Controlled ExercisePosition Speed Control PSC ProfilesTop speed of 7.2 km/h, with an average elevation of 1.9% Memory Function Cooper Test MaintenanceFitness Test KM Walking TestPosition nozzle between the belt Style e.g. more weight on one foot. The alignmentDeck, side rails etc.. To clean the underside of the T80F Lift the running beltMalfunctions Error CodesMoving and Storage Technical Data Montage Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseHandstütze UND Cockpit VorderstangenLaufunterlage T80 / T85 Training damit finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Allgemeines ZUM TrainingWIE Motivieren SIE Sich ZUM WEITERMACHEN? HerzfrequenzFortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz Training BeendenBeginnen Sie mit der gewählten Trainingseinheit CockpitHeart Rate Herzfrequenz Wahl DER Trainingseinheit Schalten Sie die Verwendung der TonsignaleMANUAL-TRAINING Mit der ENTER-Taste Herzfrequenzgesteuertes TrainingTrainingsprofile Drücken Sie die ENTER-Taste zur Bestätigung Ihrer WahlDie Abbildungen finden Sie auf der hinteren Innenseite ProfilePosition Speed Control PSC Konditionstest SpeicherfunktionCOOPER-TEST WartungAusrichten DER Laufmatte Reinigung DES Laufbandes UND Pflege DER LaufplatteFehlermeldungen BetriebsstörungenTransport UND Aufbewahrung Nachspannen DER LaufmatteLänge 199 cm Technische DatenHöhe 140 cm Conseils ET Avertissements Assemblage Bienvenue Dans LE Monde DE L’ENTRAINEMENT TunturiREPOSE-MAINS ET Compteur Barres D’APPUI AvantPiste CLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Généralités SUR ’ENTRAÎNEMENT Entraînement Actif 70-80 % du pouls maximum Rythme CardiaqueUnite DES Compteurs Débutant 50-60 % du pouls maximumRéglage DES Données Utilisateur Heart Rate pouls d’entraînementAffichages GRAPHISME/AFFICHAGE DE TexteDémarrage Avec L’IDENTIFIANT ’UTILISATEUR Choix DE L’ENTRAINEMENTManual Entrainement Manuel Quick Start Démarrage RapideEntrainement PAR Controle DE LA Frequence Cardiaque Le compteur à zéro et le compteur se met en mode démarrageProfils D’ENTRAINEMENT Profils Enregistrement DE VOS Propres Profils Vitesse Contrôlée PAR Positionnement PSCFonctions DE LA Mémoire Training Avec LA Fonction PSCValidez votre sélection en appuyant sur la touche Test DE Condition PhysiqueDémarrez le profil en appuyant sur la touche Start Test DE Cooper EntretienNettoyage DE L’APPAREIL ET Graissage DE LA Plaque DE Base Coder D’ERREUR Defauts DE FonctionnementReglage DE L’ALIGNEMENT DU Tapis Reglage DE LA Tension DU TapisCaracteristiques Techniques Transport ET RangementAssemblaggio AvvertenzeTappeto DEL Treadmill Ruotare verso il basso le guide che si trovano sui latiBarre D’APPOGGIO Anteriori Corrimano E ContatoreT80 / T85 Cavo PER LA Corrente Chiave DI SicurezzaAllenamento Tasti Funzione Battito CardiacoPannello QUAL’È LO Stimolo PER CONTINUARE?Display GRAFICO/TESTO Pedana va da 0,5-20 km/h T80 ed 0,5-22 km/h T85Inclinazione, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 % DisplayAvvio Rapido Scelta DELL’ESERCIZIOEsercizio in Manual Esercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni CardiacheProfili DI Esercizio Le foto sono riportate nella copertina di fondo ProfiliFunzione Memoria Controllo Velocità DA Posizione PSCMemorizzazione DEL Proprio Profilo Funzione Competizione Test DI Condizione FisicaInserire il codice utente Pressare il tasto MEM Utilizzo DEL Proprio ProfiloTest Cooper ManutenzionePulizia DAL Treadmill ED Lubrificazione Codici Disfunzioni Disturbi Durante L’USOAllineamento DEL Nastro Regolazione Della Tensione DEL NastroDati Tecnici Spostamento ED ImmagazzinaggioIl rivenditore Montaje Información Y PrecaucionesManillar Y Contador Barandillas DelanterasSuperficie DE Carrera T80 / T85 Desconecte la llave de seguridad de la interfaz Aspectos Generales DEL EntrenamientoCuál ES LA Mejor Motivación Para Continuar Ritmo CardíacoEl ejercicio elegido se pone en marcha ContadorEl ejercicio HRC de pulso durante el cual la cinta Selección DEL EjercicioEjercicio Manual Ejercicios DE Ritmo Cardíaco ConstantePerfiles DE Ejercicio Control DE Velocidad POR LA Posición PSC PerfilesNOTA! La función PSC exige el uso de la correa de pulso Utilización DE SU Propio Perfil Función DE MemoriaEn la pantalla aparece el texto Press Enter Almacenado DE SU Propio PerfilTest DE Caminata DE LOS 2 KM Prueba Para Medir LA Condición FísicaPrueba DE Cooper Ajuste DE LA Cinta Rodante MantenimientoLa cinta esté bien alineada Limpieza Y LubricacionAjuste DE LA Tension DE LA Cinta Códigos DE ErrorTraslado Y Almacenaje Poner en marcha la cinta a 5 km/hDatos Técnicos Met zorg op Opmerkingen EN AdviezenHandsteun EN Meter VoorleuningenLooponderstel Noodstop Fitness TrainingElektriciteitssnoer Beginnen MET DE Training Over UW GezondheidOver DE Ruimte Waar U Traint Over HET Gebruik VAN DE ApparatuurToetsen HartslagGRAFIEK//TEKSTDISPLAY FunctiesTelling VAN Gebruikergegevens Direct Beginnen TrainingskeuzeManuele Training Hartslagaangepaste TrainingSnelheids-, hellings- en hartslagprofielen te staan TrainingsprofielenProfielen Geheugenfunctie Coopertest OnderhoudReiniging EN Smering VAN DE Looptrainer Rechter inbusbout ¼ slag tegen de klok De trainer te lopen. Centreren zal over hetAlgemeen niet nodig zijn wanneer De looptrainer op een vlakke ondergrondTransport EN Opslag GebruiksstoringenStoringen Technische Gegevens Montering Anmärkingar OCH VarningarHandtag OCH Display StolparLöpunderlaget Elkabel Allmänt OM TräningSTOLPAR, Främre SäkerhetsnyckelPuls Starta träningen MätareFunktionstangenter Uppskattad energiförbrukning 0-9999 kcal i steg om 1 kcal VAL AV TräningLutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 % Snabbstart MANUAL-TRÄNINGPulsstyrd Träning TräningsprofilerProfiler Tävlingsfunktion MinnesfunktionATT Spara Egna Profiler ATT Använda Egna ProfilerCoopers Test ServiceKonditionstest KM GångtestCa 500 timmars användning. Du kan lätt kontrollera Torka av handstöden och mätaren med en fuktig dukAnvänd inga lösningsmedel! Dammsug regelbundet De synliga delarna av löpbandets ram bl.a. bandetKoder FÖR FEL Störningar VID AnvändningTransport OCH Förvaring Tekniska Data100 Asennus Huomautukset JA VaroituksetKäsituki JA Mittari EtukaiteetJuoksualusta Verkkojohto TURVA-AVAINYleistä Harjoittelusta Käynnistät valitun harjoitteen SykeMittari Aloittelijan Taso 50 60 % maksimisykkeestäGRAFIIKKA/TEKSTINÄYTTÖ NäytötKäyttäjätietojen Asetus Harjoitusprofiilit Harjoituksen ValintaMANUAL-HARJOITUS Sykeohjattu HarjoitusProfiilit Oman Profiilin Käyttö MuistitoimintoHarjoittelu Pscn Kanssa Oman Profiilin TallennusPainikkeella KuntotestiJuoksualustan kulma säätyy automaattisesti 1 % Juoksumaton Puhdistus JA Huoltovoitelu HuoltoMaton Keskittäminen Virhekoodit KäyttöhäiriötKuljetus JA Säilytys Maton Kireyden SäätöPituus 199 cm Tekniset TiedotKorkeus 140 cm T80F, T85F T80F, T85F T80, T85 T80, T85 Profiles Page 5834030 a