Tunturi T80/F, T85/F owner manual Memory Function

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NOTE! You must wear a Polar T41 heart rate belt when you use PSC! A blinking square in the Heart Rate display indicates that heart rate measurement is in operation.

NOTE! Attach the holder of the safety key carefully to your shirt whenever you are using PSC. Adjust the length of the safety key wire so that it will be detached from the meter, if you move too far back.

NOTE! If you are exercising with PSC, there must not be another heart rate transmitter near the treadmill (minimum distance 2 m); the simultaneous signals of two transmitters endanger user safety by interfering with the PSC.


PSC settings should be done with the treadmill at a complete stop.

1.Start the use of PSC by setting the speed zone limits. Press the PSC key.

2.Depending on the previous settings, either PSC ON or PSC OFF will be displayed. Use the arrow keys to change the setting to PSC ON and press ENTER.

3.PRESS ENTER TO CALIBRATE PSC OR START TO EXIT will be displayed. Position yourself in the middle of the track. The acceleration zone begins approximately 10 cm ahead of the measurement point, while the deceleration zone begins approximately 20 cm behind the measurement point. Press ENTER and the text PLEASE WAIT 8 will be displayed. The meter will now measure your distance on the basis of the heart rate signal. Measurement takes 8 seconds, and after that CALIBRATION READY PRESS START is displayed.

4.If the meter cannot receive the heart rate signal

or there are problems in measuring the distance, the meter will return to the CALIBRATE display. In case of such an error, the text CHECK TRANSMITTER is displayed. You should then make sure that you have properly followed the instructions on the use of the heart rate belt.

If the speed zone limits are suitable for you, the next time you start exercising you can start PSC just by selecting PSC ON and pressing ENTER, and then select the desired training mode. If you want to change the speed zone limits, repeat steps 1-4 and move

to a more suitable position on the track before the measurement.


1.Select Manual exercise, Rolling Hills profile, a condition test or the standard heart rate exercise with automatic elevation adjustment. In these exercises you can adjust the track speed with PSC. The PSC signal light indicates that the feature is in operation. T80 / T85 is equipped with three PSC signal lights that show in which speed zone you are currently running (Rabbit = speed increases, - = constant speed, Turtle = speed decreases).

2.Start the selected exercise by pressing the START key, and adjust track speed by moving forward or back on the track. Please note that the speed adjustment keys (Turtle/Rabbit) are also in operation during a PSC

O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L T 8 0 / F T 8 5 / F

exercise. NOTE! If you have not tried the PSC feature before, we recommend you start at slow speed.


The Memory function requires the use of a user code: the exercise is saved under the selected user code. You can save 5 exercises under each user code.


1.You can save preset profiles once the exercise is completed, but do not press STOP! (If you want to save your Manual or HRC workouts, finish the exercise by pressing STOP once.) Save your exercise by pressing MEM.

2.The display prompts for a memory slot (SAVE AS OWN 1-5). Select the desired memory slot with the arrow keys and press ENTER to confirm your selection: your workout is now saved to the desired slot.

3.If there are no empty memory slots, replace a previous profile with a new one. The display then prompts you to confirm (REPLACE OWN 1-5). Press ENTER to confirm your selection: your workout is now saved to the desired slot.

4.SAVED AS OWN 1-5 is displayed to confirm your save. After 10 seconds, the meter will automatically switch to its initial state.

NOTE! A total of 30 speed or elevation changes can be saved in each profile. To save a profile, you need to exercise for 10 minutes or more.


1.Select your user code.

2.Press MEM.

3.Press SELECT until the signal light indicates the desired own profile (-1-5 MEMORY). Press ENTER to confirm your selection. Select RERUN (to use the profile without adjustments) or RACE (to use the profile as a basis for the Race function) with the SELECT key.

4.Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

5.Press START to begin the profile.


To race against a previously saved speed/elevation profile exercise, select RACE in the Own Profile menu. The goal is to complete the profile as fast as possible.

1.Press START. The exercise begins and the belt starts moving.

2.Adjust the speed according to your fitness level either manually or using the PSC function.

3.The meter display shows information on profile progress and any changes ahead, and also shows how your performance compares to the previously saved session: when you fall behind your previously saved session, the display will read “YOU ARE x.xx BEHIND”. When you are ahead of your previously saved session, the display will read “YOU ARE x.xx AHEAD”.

4.Once the profile has been completed, the treadmill will automatically stop. You can save your workout in the meter’s memory (see Memory Function).



Image 11
Contents Käyttöohje T80/F T85/FContents Handlebar and Meter AssemblyFasten each handrail to the lower frame with four bolts HandrailsRunning Base T80 / T85Maintaining your balance Basics on ExercisingFinishing AN Exercise Session HOW to Motivate Yourself to ContinueHeart Rate Beginning AN Exercise Session00-99.99 km, 0,01 km increment MeterStarts the selected training and activates the running belt 10 %, 0,5 % incrementEntering User Details Starting with the User Details SetupChoosing AN Exercise Manual ExerciseExercise Profiles Heart Rate Controlled ExerciseTop speed of 7.2 km/h, with an average elevation of 1.9% ProfilesPosition Speed Control PSC Memory Function Cooper Test MaintenanceFitness Test KM Walking TestPosition nozzle between the belt Style e.g. more weight on one foot. The alignmentDeck, side rails etc.. To clean the underside of the T80F Lift the running beltMoving and Storage Error CodesMalfunctions Technical Data Montage Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseLaufunterlage VorderstangenHandstütze UND Cockpit T80 / T85 Training damit finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Allgemeines ZUM TrainingWIE Motivieren SIE Sich ZUM WEITERMACHEN? HerzfrequenzFortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz Training BeendenHeart Rate Herzfrequenz CockpitBeginnen Sie mit der gewählten Trainingseinheit MANUAL-TRAINING Schalten Sie die Verwendung der TonsignaleWahl DER Trainingseinheit Mit der ENTER-Taste Herzfrequenzgesteuertes TrainingTrainingsprofile Drücken Sie die ENTER-Taste zur Bestätigung Ihrer WahlDie Abbildungen finden Sie auf der hinteren Innenseite ProfilePosition Speed Control PSC Konditionstest SpeicherfunktionCOOPER-TEST WartungAusrichten DER Laufmatte Reinigung DES Laufbandes UND Pflege DER LaufplatteFehlermeldungen BetriebsstörungenTransport UND Aufbewahrung Nachspannen DER LaufmatteHöhe 140 cm Technische DatenLänge 199 cm Conseils ET Avertissements Assemblage Bienvenue Dans LE Monde DE L’ENTRAINEMENT TunturiPiste Barres D’APPUI AvantREPOSE-MAINS ET Compteur CLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Généralités SUR ’ENTRAÎNEMENT Entraînement Actif 70-80 % du pouls maximum Rythme CardiaqueUnite DES Compteurs Débutant 50-60 % du pouls maximumRéglage DES Données Utilisateur Heart Rate pouls d’entraînementAffichages GRAPHISME/AFFICHAGE DE TexteDémarrage Avec L’IDENTIFIANT ’UTILISATEUR Choix DE L’ENTRAINEMENTManual Entrainement Manuel Quick Start Démarrage RapideProfils D’ENTRAINEMENT Le compteur à zéro et le compteur se met en mode démarrageEntrainement PAR Controle DE LA Frequence Cardiaque Profils Enregistrement DE VOS Propres Profils Vitesse Contrôlée PAR Positionnement PSCFonctions DE LA Mémoire Training Avec LA Fonction PSCDémarrez le profil en appuyant sur la touche Start Test DE Condition PhysiqueValidez votre sélection en appuyant sur la touche Nettoyage DE L’APPAREIL ET Graissage DE LA Plaque DE Base EntretienTest DE Cooper Coder D’ERREUR Defauts DE FonctionnementReglage DE L’ALIGNEMENT DU Tapis Reglage DE LA Tension DU TapisCaracteristiques Techniques Transport ET RangementAssemblaggio AvvertenzeTappeto DEL Treadmill Ruotare verso il basso le guide che si trovano sui latiBarre D’APPOGGIO Anteriori Corrimano E ContatoreT80 / T85 Allenamento Chiave DI SicurezzaCavo PER LA Corrente Tasti Funzione Battito CardiacoPannello QUAL’È LO Stimolo PER CONTINUARE?Display GRAFICO/TESTO Pedana va da 0,5-20 km/h T80 ed 0,5-22 km/h T85Inclinazione, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 % DisplayAvvio Rapido Scelta DELL’ESERCIZIOEsercizio in Manual Esercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni CardiacheProfili DI Esercizio Le foto sono riportate nella copertina di fondo ProfiliMemorizzazione DEL Proprio Profilo Controllo Velocità DA Posizione PSCFunzione Memoria Funzione Competizione Test DI Condizione FisicaInserire il codice utente Pressare il tasto MEM Utilizzo DEL Proprio ProfiloPulizia DAL Treadmill ED Lubrificazione ManutenzioneTest Cooper Codici Disfunzioni Disturbi Durante L’USOAllineamento DEL Nastro Regolazione Della Tensione DEL NastroIl rivenditore Spostamento ED ImmagazzinaggioDati Tecnici Montaje Información Y PrecaucionesSuperficie DE Carrera Barandillas DelanterasManillar Y Contador T80 / T85 Desconecte la llave de seguridad de la interfaz Aspectos Generales DEL EntrenamientoCuál ES LA Mejor Motivación Para Continuar Ritmo CardíacoEl ejercicio elegido se pone en marcha ContadorEl ejercicio HRC de pulso durante el cual la cinta Selección DEL EjercicioEjercicio Manual Ejercicios DE Ritmo Cardíaco ConstantePerfiles DE Ejercicio NOTA! La función PSC exige el uso de la correa de pulso PerfilesControl DE Velocidad POR LA Posición PSC Utilización DE SU Propio Perfil Función DE MemoriaEn la pantalla aparece el texto Press Enter Almacenado DE SU Propio PerfilPrueba DE Cooper Prueba Para Medir LA Condición FísicaTest DE Caminata DE LOS 2 KM Ajuste DE LA Cinta Rodante MantenimientoLa cinta esté bien alineada Limpieza Y LubricacionAjuste DE LA Tension DE LA Cinta Códigos DE ErrorTraslado Y Almacenaje Poner en marcha la cinta a 5 km/hDatos Técnicos Met zorg op Opmerkingen EN AdviezenLooponderstel VoorleuningenHandsteun EN Meter Elektriciteitssnoer Fitness TrainingNoodstop Beginnen MET DE Training Over UW GezondheidOver DE Ruimte Waar U Traint Over HET Gebruik VAN DE ApparatuurToetsen HartslagTelling VAN Gebruikergegevens FunctiesGRAFIEK//TEKSTDISPLAY Direct Beginnen TrainingskeuzeManuele Training Hartslagaangepaste TrainingSnelheids-, hellings- en hartslagprofielen te staan TrainingsprofielenProfielen Geheugenfunctie Reiniging EN Smering VAN DE Looptrainer OnderhoudCoopertest Rechter inbusbout ¼ slag tegen de klok De trainer te lopen. Centreren zal over hetAlgemeen niet nodig zijn wanneer De looptrainer op een vlakke ondergrondStoringen GebruiksstoringenTransport EN Opslag Technische Gegevens Montering Anmärkingar OCH VarningarLöpunderlaget StolparHandtag OCH Display Elkabel Allmänt OM TräningSTOLPAR, Främre SäkerhetsnyckelPuls Funktionstangenter MätareStarta träningen Lutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 % VAL AV TräningUppskattad energiförbrukning 0-9999 kcal i steg om 1 kcal Snabbstart MANUAL-TRÄNINGPulsstyrd Träning TräningsprofilerProfiler Tävlingsfunktion MinnesfunktionATT Spara Egna Profiler ATT Använda Egna ProfilerCoopers Test ServiceKonditionstest KM GångtestCa 500 timmars användning. Du kan lätt kontrollera Torka av handstöden och mätaren med en fuktig dukAnvänd inga lösningsmedel! Dammsug regelbundet De synliga delarna av löpbandets ram bl.a. bandetKoder FÖR FEL Störningar VID AnvändningTransport OCH Förvaring Tekniska Data100 Asennus Huomautukset JA VaroituksetJuoksualusta EtukaiteetKäsituki JA Mittari Verkkojohto TURVA-AVAINYleistä Harjoittelusta Käynnistät valitun harjoitteen SykeMittari Aloittelijan Taso 50 60 % maksimisykkeestäKäyttäjätietojen Asetus NäytötGRAFIIKKA/TEKSTINÄYTTÖ Harjoitusprofiilit Harjoituksen ValintaMANUAL-HARJOITUS Sykeohjattu HarjoitusProfiilit Oman Profiilin Käyttö MuistitoimintoHarjoittelu Pscn Kanssa Oman Profiilin TallennusJuoksualustan kulma säätyy automaattisesti 1 % KuntotestiPainikkeella Maton Keskittäminen HuoltoJuoksumaton Puhdistus JA Huoltovoitelu Virhekoodit KäyttöhäiriötKuljetus JA Säilytys Maton Kireyden SäätöKorkeus 140 cm Tekniset TiedotPituus 199 cm T80F, T85F T80F, T85F T80, T85 T80, T85 Profiles Page 5834030 a