Tunturi T80/F, T85/F owner manual Heart Rate Controlled Exercise, Exercise Profiles

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Heart rate controlled exercises enable training at a selected heart rate level. Heart rate controlled exercises always require the use of a heart rate belt. If heart rate measurement is not working correctly, the error message CHECK TRANSMITTER will be displayed. You should then make sure that you have properly followed the instructions on the use of the heart rate belt.

1.If you want to use user details or save your workout, set your user details or select your user code (1-4). Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

2.Press SELECT until the signal light shows the HRC text. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

3.Select the HRC mode with the arrow keys:

a)Speed = heart rate control is based on changing belt speed. If you wish, you can change the inclination angle of the belt during training.

b)Elevation = heart rate control is based on changing treadmill inclination. In this mode you have to adjust the speed by yourself using either PSC or the Turtle and Rabbit keys.

c)Combination = automatic equal adjustment of both the inclination angle and the speed of the belt.

4.Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

5.Set the desired heart rate (80-180) with the arrow keys. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

6.Press START to start constant heart-rate exercise.

7.You can adjust the heart rate level with the arrow keys during the exercise.

8.The profile display collects the exercise speed details at one minute intervals. After 20 minutes, the display will shift to the left to show the speed details from the last 20 minutes. Pressing SELECT during the exercise will display speed, elevation and heart rate profiles for the exercise.

9.Press STOP and the treadmill stops and moves

into waiting start for 5 minutes. You can restart the interrupted exercise by pressing the START key within 5 minutes. You can use the waiting state to save your workout in the meter’s memory (see Memory Function). Press STOP twice to end your exercise. Keep the STOP key pressed down for 2 seconds to reset the meter. The meter then switches to its initial state.


Tunturi has developed different preset exercise profiles in order to ensure versatile, pleasant and goal-oriented training. The shape of the different profiles is shown on the key panel of the meter, and the meter also provides more detailed information about the selected profile

O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L T 8 0 / F T 8 5 / F

during the exercise. The meter gives an audio signal in advance of changes in a profile. The profile display shows the shape of the profile and the details of the next profile bar. If you want to use user details or save your workout, set your user details or select your user code (1-4). Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

A. Combination profiles 1-3 are exercise profiles with different effort levels and preset speed and elevation. You can programme the speed to a desired level and set the duration of the exercise to be displayed either in time or distance. These profiles do not require the use a heart rate belt, but that provides interesting additional information about your performance.

1.Press SELECT until the signal light shows the profile (1-3) you want. Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

2.Set profile distance/time. Press SELECT to move to profile duration (time / distance) setting. The previous duration set is shown on the display. Use the SELECT key to alternate between different setting values. You can change the value using the arrow keys (limit 10 minutes (0:10) – 3 hours (3:00), adjusting at 5 minute steps / 3 km – 42 km, adjusting at 1 km steps). Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

3.Press START. The exercise begins and the belt starts moving.

4.You can scale the profile speed level up and down at 5 % steps using the arrow keys. Pressing SELECT during the exercise will display speed and elevation profiles for the exercise.

5.Press STOP and the treadmill stops and moves

into waiting start for 5 minutes. You can restart the interrupted exercise by pressing the START key within 5 minutes. Press STOP twice to end your exercise. Keep the STOP key pressed down for 2 seconds to reset the meter. The meter then switches to its initial state.

6.Once the profile has been completed, the treadmill will automatically stop. You can save your workout in the meter’s memory (see Memory Function).

B. Rolling Hills is an interval exercise in which you can determine track speed yourself and set the distance to be run or the duration of the exercise. Rolling Hills allows you to regulate your speed using the PSC function. Unless you use PSC, this profile does not require the use of a heart rate belt. However, a heart rate belt will provide you with interesting additional information about your performance.

1.Press SELECT until the signal light shows the profile

4.Press ENTER to confirm your selection.

2.Press SELECT to move to profile duration (time / distance) setting. The previous duration set is shown on the display. Use the SELECT key to alternate between different setting values. You can change the value using the arrow keys (limit 10 minutes (0:10) – 3 hours (3: 00), adjusting at 5 minute steps / 3 km – 42 km, adjusting at 1 km steps). Press ENTER to confirm your selection.



Image 9
Contents Käyttöohje T80/F T85/FContents Fasten each handrail to the lower frame with four bolts AssemblyHandrails Handlebar and MeterRunning Base T80 / T85Maintaining your balance Basics on ExercisingHeart Rate HOW to Motivate Yourself to ContinueBeginning AN Exercise Session Finishing AN Exercise SessionStarts the selected training and activates the running belt Meter10 %, 0,5 % increment 00-99.99 km, 0,01 km incrementChoosing AN Exercise Starting with the User Details SetupManual Exercise Entering User DetailsExercise Profiles Heart Rate Controlled ExerciseProfiles Position Speed Control PSCTop speed of 7.2 km/h, with an average elevation of 1.9% Memory Function Fitness Test MaintenanceKM Walking Test Cooper TestDeck, side rails etc.. To clean the underside of the T80F Style e.g. more weight on one foot. The alignmentLift the running belt Position nozzle between the beltError Codes MalfunctionsMoving and Storage Technical Data Montage Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseVorderstangen Handstütze UND CockpitLaufunterlage T80 / T85 Training damit finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Allgemeines ZUM TrainingFortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz HerzfrequenzTraining Beenden WIE Motivieren SIE Sich ZUM WEITERMACHEN?Cockpit Beginnen Sie mit der gewählten TrainingseinheitHeart Rate Herzfrequenz Schalten Sie die Verwendung der Tonsignale Wahl DER TrainingseinheitMANUAL-TRAINING Trainingsprofile Herzfrequenzgesteuertes TrainingDrücken Sie die ENTER-Taste zur Bestätigung Ihrer Wahl Mit der ENTER-TasteDie Abbildungen finden Sie auf der hinteren Innenseite ProfilePosition Speed Control PSC Konditionstest SpeicherfunktionCOOPER-TEST WartungAusrichten DER Laufmatte Reinigung DES Laufbandes UND Pflege DER LaufplatteTransport UND Aufbewahrung BetriebsstörungenNachspannen DER Laufmatte FehlermeldungenTechnische Daten Länge 199 cmHöhe 140 cm Conseils ET Avertissements Assemblage Bienvenue Dans LE Monde DE L’ENTRAINEMENT TunturiBarres D’APPUI Avant REPOSE-MAINS ET CompteurPiste CLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Généralités SUR ’ENTRAÎNEMENT Unite DES Compteurs Rythme CardiaqueDébutant 50-60 % du pouls maximum Entraînement Actif 70-80 % du pouls maximumAffichages Heart Rate pouls d’entraînementGRAPHISME/AFFICHAGE DE Texte Réglage DES Données UtilisateurManual Entrainement Manuel Choix DE L’ENTRAINEMENTQuick Start Démarrage Rapide Démarrage Avec L’IDENTIFIANT ’UTILISATEURLe compteur à zéro et le compteur se met en mode démarrage Entrainement PAR Controle DE LA Frequence CardiaqueProfils D’ENTRAINEMENT Profils Fonctions DE LA Mémoire Vitesse Contrôlée PAR Positionnement PSCTraining Avec LA Fonction PSC Enregistrement DE VOS Propres ProfilsTest DE Condition Physique Validez votre sélection en appuyant sur la toucheDémarrez le profil en appuyant sur la touche Start Entretien Test DE CooperNettoyage DE L’APPAREIL ET Graissage DE LA Plaque DE Base Reglage DE L’ALIGNEMENT DU Tapis Defauts DE FonctionnementReglage DE LA Tension DU Tapis Coder D’ERREURCaracteristiques Techniques Transport ET RangementAssemblaggio AvvertenzeBarre D’APPOGGIO Anteriori Ruotare verso il basso le guide che si trovano sui latiCorrimano E Contatore Tappeto DEL TreadmillT80 / T85 Chiave DI Sicurezza Cavo PER LA CorrenteAllenamento Pannello Battito CardiacoQUAL’È LO Stimolo PER CONTINUARE? Tasti FunzioneInclinazione, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 % Pedana va da 0,5-20 km/h T80 ed 0,5-22 km/h T85Display Display GRAFICO/TESTOEsercizio in Manual Scelta DELL’ESERCIZIOEsercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni Cardiache Avvio RapidoProfili DI Esercizio Le foto sono riportate nella copertina di fondo ProfiliControllo Velocità DA Posizione PSC Funzione MemoriaMemorizzazione DEL Proprio Profilo Inserire il codice utente Pressare il tasto MEM Test DI Condizione FisicaUtilizzo DEL Proprio Profilo Funzione CompetizioneManutenzione Test CooperPulizia DAL Treadmill ED Lubrificazione Allineamento DEL Nastro Disturbi Durante L’USORegolazione Della Tensione DEL Nastro Codici DisfunzioniSpostamento ED Immagazzinaggio Dati TecniciIl rivenditore Montaje Información Y PrecaucionesBarandillas Delanteras Manillar Y ContadorSuperficie DE Carrera T80 / T85 Desconecte la llave de seguridad de la interfaz Aspectos Generales DEL EntrenamientoCuál ES LA Mejor Motivación Para Continuar Ritmo CardíacoEl ejercicio elegido se pone en marcha ContadorEjercicio Manual Selección DEL EjercicioEjercicios DE Ritmo Cardíaco Constante El ejercicio HRC de pulso durante el cual la cintaPerfiles DE Ejercicio Perfiles Control DE Velocidad POR LA Posición PSCNOTA! La función PSC exige el uso de la correa de pulso En la pantalla aparece el texto Press Enter Función DE MemoriaAlmacenado DE SU Propio Perfil Utilización DE SU Propio PerfilPrueba Para Medir LA Condición Física Test DE Caminata DE LOS 2 KMPrueba DE Cooper La cinta esté bien alineada MantenimientoLimpieza Y Lubricacion Ajuste DE LA Cinta RodanteTraslado Y Almacenaje Códigos DE ErrorPoner en marcha la cinta a 5 km/h Ajuste DE LA Tension DE LA CintaDatos Técnicos Met zorg op Opmerkingen EN AdviezenVoorleuningen Handsteun EN MeterLooponderstel Fitness Training NoodstopElektriciteitssnoer Over DE Ruimte Waar U Traint Over UW GezondheidOver HET Gebruik VAN DE Apparatuur Beginnen MET DE TrainingToetsen HartslagFuncties GRAFIEK//TEKSTDISPLAYTelling VAN Gebruikergegevens Manuele Training TrainingskeuzeHartslagaangepaste Training Direct BeginnenSnelheids-, hellings- en hartslagprofielen te staan TrainingsprofielenProfielen Geheugenfunctie Onderhoud CoopertestReiniging EN Smering VAN DE Looptrainer Algemeen niet nodig zijn wanneer De trainer te lopen. Centreren zal over hetDe looptrainer op een vlakke ondergrond Rechter inbusbout ¼ slag tegen de klokGebruiksstoringen Transport EN OpslagStoringen Technische Gegevens Montering Anmärkingar OCH VarningarStolpar Handtag OCH DisplayLöpunderlaget STOLPAR, Främre Allmänt OM TräningSäkerhetsnyckel ElkabelPuls Mätare Starta träningenFunktionstangenter VAL AV Träning Uppskattad energiförbrukning 0-9999 kcal i steg om 1 kcalLutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 % Pulsstyrd Träning MANUAL-TRÄNINGTräningsprofiler SnabbstartProfiler ATT Spara Egna Profiler MinnesfunktionATT Använda Egna Profiler TävlingsfunktionKonditionstest ServiceKM Gångtest Coopers TestAnvänd inga lösningsmedel! Dammsug regelbundet Torka av handstöden och mätaren med en fuktig dukDe synliga delarna av löpbandets ram bl.a. bandet Ca 500 timmars användning. Du kan lätt kontrolleraTransport OCH Förvaring Störningar VID AnvändningTekniska Data Koder FÖR FEL100 Asennus Huomautukset JA VaroituksetEtukaiteet Käsituki JA MittariJuoksualusta Verkkojohto TURVA-AVAINYleistä Harjoittelusta Mittari SykeAloittelijan Taso 50 60 % maksimisykkeestä Käynnistät valitun harjoitteenNäytöt GRAFIIKKA/TEKSTINÄYTTÖKäyttäjätietojen Asetus MANUAL-HARJOITUS Harjoituksen ValintaSykeohjattu Harjoitus HarjoitusprofiilitProfiilit Harjoittelu Pscn Kanssa MuistitoimintoOman Profiilin Tallennus Oman Profiilin KäyttöKuntotesti PainikkeellaJuoksualustan kulma säätyy automaattisesti 1 % Huolto Juoksumaton Puhdistus JA HuoltovoiteluMaton Keskittäminen Kuljetus JA Säilytys KäyttöhäiriötMaton Kireyden Säätö VirhekooditTekniset Tiedot Pituus 199 cmKorkeus 140 cm T80F, T85F T80F, T85F T80, T85 T80, T85 Profiles Page 5834030 a