Tunturi T85/F, T80/F owner manual Malfunctions, Moving and Storage, Error Codes

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O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L T 8 0 / F T 8 5 / F

1.Increase the treadmill’s speed to 5 km/h (3 mph).

2.Turn both adjustment screws an equal amount, ¼ turn clockwise.

3.Try to slow the belt down by holding onto the handrails and braking as you walk (as if you were walking downhill).

If the belt slips, turn another ¼ turn and repeat the test. When braking heavily the belt may slip. If the belt keeps slipping despite repeated adjustments, please contact your local Tunturi dealer.


NOTE! Despite continuous quality control, defects and malfunctions caused by individual components may occur in the equipment. In most cases it’s unnecessary to take the whole device in for repair, as it’s usually sufficient to replace the defective part. Always give the model, serial number of your equipment and in case of malfunctions also conditions of use, nature of malfunction and any error code.

When you encounter unusual behavior from the treadmill, simply turn the power switch off, wait 1 minute and turn the power switch on to reset the treadmill. This should clear incidental errors and ready the treadmill for normal operation again. If after you have reset the treadmill by turning the power switch off and on again, and the treadmill is still not operational, contact your local Tunturi dealer for service.

If you require spare parts, always give the model, serial number of your equipment and the spare part number for the part you need. The spare part list is at the back of this manual. Use only spare parts mentioned in the spare part list.


The user interface will display information about operational faults.

SYSTEM CHECK FAILED. Possible motor controller fault. Turn the power switch off, wait 1 minute and turn the power switch on again. If treadmill recovers to normal operation, you may continue to use the treadmill. Otherwise, call the dealer for service. SPEED SENSOR ERROR. Call the dealer for service. MOTOR SPEED ERROR. Ensure correct usage of the treadmill. Do not push the belt with your feet. Turn the power switch off, wait 1 minute and turn the power switch on again. If treadmill recovers to normal operation, you may continue to use the treadmill. Otherwise, call the dealer for service.

MOTOR OVERLOAD. Ensure correct usage of the treadmill. Do not brake the belt. Turn the power switch off, wait 1 minute and turn the power switch on again. If treadmill recovers to normal operation, you may continue to use the treadmill. Ensure the lubrication is sufficient, re-lubricate the running deck if needed. Otherwise, call the dealer for service.

LIFT MOTOR ERROR. Call the dealer for service. LIFT MOTOR OVERLOAD. Ensure correct usage of the treadmill. Do not overload the lift motor by continuously changing the elevation. Turn the power

switch off, wait 1 minute and turn the power switch on again. If treadmill recovers to normal operation, you may continue to use the treadmill. Otherwise, call the dealer for service.


Turn off the power switch and unplug the power cord from the wall and the treadmill. Take hold of the aluminium profile at the rear end of the running base and lift the running base up. Press the horizontal bar in the folding frame with your foot to lock the running base to the lower frame. NOTE! The gas spring is designed to make lifting the running base easier. Always remember to ensure that the running base is locked in the storage position.

Move the T80F / T85F treadmill according to the following instructions: turn the transportation wheels located at the front end of the treadmill so that they point forward, and push the equipment on the transportation wheels. If you wheel the equipment sideways, there is no need to turn the transportation wheels. Once you have moved the treadmill, return the transportation wheels to their sideways position. To release the running base lock, tilt the running base slightly forward while pushing the locking levers in the lower frame to the side with your foot. Lower the treadmill carefully onto the floor.

Move the T80 / T85 treadmill according to the following instructions: stand behind the treadmill and take hold of the aluminium profile at the rear end of the treadmill. Tilt the rear end of the equipment so that it rests on the transportation wheels, and move the equipment by wheeling. Lower the treadmill carefully onto the floor.

NOTE! Transport the treadmill with extreme caution over uneven surfaces, for example over a step. The treadmill should never be transported upstairs using the wheels over the steps, instead it must be carried. We recommend that you use a protective base when transporting the equipment. The running belt needs to be realigned and centered after moving.

To prevent malfunctioning of the treadmill, store it in a dry place with as little temperature variation as possible, protected against dust. Always unplug the treadmill from the electrical outlet when not in use.


Image 14
Contents T80/F T85/F KäyttöohjeContents Handrails AssemblyFasten each handrail to the lower frame with four bolts Handlebar and MeterT80 / T85 Running BaseBasics on Exercising Maintaining your balanceBeginning AN Exercise Session HOW to Motivate Yourself to ContinueHeart Rate Finishing AN Exercise Session10 %, 0,5 % increment MeterStarts the selected training and activates the running belt 00-99.99 km, 0,01 km incrementManual Exercise Starting with the User Details SetupChoosing AN Exercise Entering User DetailsHeart Rate Controlled Exercise Exercise ProfilesTop speed of 7.2 km/h, with an average elevation of 1.9% ProfilesPosition Speed Control PSC Memory Function KM Walking Test MaintenanceFitness Test Cooper TestLift the running belt Style e.g. more weight on one foot. The alignmentDeck, side rails etc.. To clean the underside of the T80F Position nozzle between the beltMoving and Storage Error CodesMalfunctions Technical Data Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise MontageLaufunterlage VorderstangenHandstütze UND Cockpit T80 / T85 Allgemeines ZUM Training Training damit finden Sie auf der Internetseite vonTraining Beenden HerzfrequenzFortgeschrittene 60-70 % der maximalen Herzfrequenz WIE Motivieren SIE Sich ZUM WEITERMACHEN?Heart Rate Herzfrequenz CockpitBeginnen Sie mit der gewählten Trainingseinheit MANUAL-TRAINING Schalten Sie die Verwendung der TonsignaleWahl DER Trainingseinheit Drücken Sie die ENTER-Taste zur Bestätigung Ihrer Wahl Herzfrequenzgesteuertes TrainingTrainingsprofile Mit der ENTER-TasteProfile Die Abbildungen finden Sie auf der hinteren InnenseitePosition Speed Control PSC Speicherfunktion KonditionstestWartung COOPER-TESTReinigung DES Laufbandes UND Pflege DER Laufplatte Ausrichten DER LaufmatteNachspannen DER Laufmatte BetriebsstörungenTransport UND Aufbewahrung FehlermeldungenHöhe 140 cm Technische DatenLänge 199 cm Conseils ET Avertissements Bienvenue Dans LE Monde DE L’ENTRAINEMENT Tunturi AssemblagePiste Barres D’APPUI AvantREPOSE-MAINS ET Compteur CLE DE Verrouillage DE Securite Généralités SUR ’ENTRAÎNEMENT Débutant 50-60 % du pouls maximum Rythme CardiaqueUnite DES Compteurs Entraînement Actif 70-80 % du pouls maximumGRAPHISME/AFFICHAGE DE Texte Heart Rate pouls d’entraînementAffichages Réglage DES Données UtilisateurQuick Start Démarrage Rapide Choix DE L’ENTRAINEMENTManual Entrainement Manuel Démarrage Avec L’IDENTIFIANT ’UTILISATEURProfils D’ENTRAINEMENT Le compteur à zéro et le compteur se met en mode démarrageEntrainement PAR Controle DE LA Frequence Cardiaque Profils Training Avec LA Fonction PSC Vitesse Contrôlée PAR Positionnement PSCFonctions DE LA Mémoire Enregistrement DE VOS Propres ProfilsDémarrez le profil en appuyant sur la touche Start Test DE Condition PhysiqueValidez votre sélection en appuyant sur la touche Nettoyage DE L’APPAREIL ET Graissage DE LA Plaque DE Base EntretienTest DE Cooper Reglage DE LA Tension DU Tapis Defauts DE FonctionnementReglage DE L’ALIGNEMENT DU Tapis Coder D’ERREURTransport ET Rangement Caracteristiques TechniquesAvvertenze AssemblaggioCorrimano E Contatore Ruotare verso il basso le guide che si trovano sui latiBarre D’APPOGGIO Anteriori Tappeto DEL TreadmillT80 / T85 Allenamento Chiave DI SicurezzaCavo PER LA Corrente QUAL’È LO Stimolo PER CONTINUARE? Battito CardiacoPannello Tasti FunzioneDisplay Pedana va da 0,5-20 km/h T80 ed 0,5-22 km/h T85Inclinazione, 0-10 %, con intervalli di 0,5 % Display GRAFICO/TESTOEsercizio a Controllo Pulsazioni Cardiache Scelta DELL’ESERCIZIOEsercizio in Manual Avvio RapidoProfili DI Esercizio Profili Le foto sono riportate nella copertina di fondoMemorizzazione DEL Proprio Profilo Controllo Velocità DA Posizione PSCFunzione Memoria Utilizzo DEL Proprio Profilo Test DI Condizione FisicaInserire il codice utente Pressare il tasto MEM Funzione CompetizionePulizia DAL Treadmill ED Lubrificazione ManutenzioneTest Cooper Regolazione Della Tensione DEL Nastro Disturbi Durante L’USOAllineamento DEL Nastro Codici DisfunzioniIl rivenditore Spostamento ED ImmagazzinaggioDati Tecnici Información Y Precauciones MontajeSuperficie DE Carrera Barandillas DelanterasManillar Y Contador T80 / T85 Aspectos Generales DEL Entrenamiento Desconecte la llave de seguridad de la interfazRitmo Cardíaco Cuál ES LA Mejor Motivación Para ContinuarContador El ejercicio elegido se pone en marchaEjercicios DE Ritmo Cardíaco Constante Selección DEL EjercicioEjercicio Manual El ejercicio HRC de pulso durante el cual la cintaPerfiles DE Ejercicio NOTA! La función PSC exige el uso de la correa de pulso PerfilesControl DE Velocidad POR LA Posición PSC Almacenado DE SU Propio Perfil Función DE MemoriaEn la pantalla aparece el texto Press Enter Utilización DE SU Propio PerfilPrueba DE Cooper Prueba Para Medir LA Condición FísicaTest DE Caminata DE LOS 2 KM Limpieza Y Lubricacion MantenimientoLa cinta esté bien alineada Ajuste DE LA Cinta RodantePoner en marcha la cinta a 5 km/h Códigos DE ErrorTraslado Y Almacenaje Ajuste DE LA Tension DE LA CintaDatos Técnicos Opmerkingen EN Adviezen Met zorg opLooponderstel VoorleuningenHandsteun EN Meter Elektriciteitssnoer Fitness TrainingNoodstop Over HET Gebruik VAN DE Apparatuur Over UW GezondheidOver DE Ruimte Waar U Traint Beginnen MET DE TrainingHartslag ToetsenTelling VAN Gebruikergegevens FunctiesGRAFIEK//TEKSTDISPLAY Hartslagaangepaste Training TrainingskeuzeManuele Training Direct BeginnenTrainingsprofielen Snelheids-, hellings- en hartslagprofielen te staanProfielen Geheugenfunctie Reiniging EN Smering VAN DE Looptrainer OnderhoudCoopertest De looptrainer op een vlakke ondergrond De trainer te lopen. Centreren zal over hetAlgemeen niet nodig zijn wanneer Rechter inbusbout ¼ slag tegen de klokStoringen GebruiksstoringenTransport EN Opslag Technische Gegevens Anmärkingar OCH Varningar MonteringLöpunderlaget StolparHandtag OCH Display Säkerhetsnyckel Allmänt OM TräningSTOLPAR, Främre ElkabelPuls Funktionstangenter MätareStarta träningen Lutningsvinkeln 0-10 % i steg om 0,5 % VAL AV TräningUppskattad energiförbrukning 0-9999 kcal i steg om 1 kcal Träningsprofiler MANUAL-TRÄNINGPulsstyrd Träning SnabbstartProfiler ATT Använda Egna Profiler MinnesfunktionATT Spara Egna Profiler TävlingsfunktionKM Gångtest ServiceKonditionstest Coopers TestDe synliga delarna av löpbandets ram bl.a. bandet Torka av handstöden och mätaren med en fuktig dukAnvänd inga lösningsmedel! Dammsug regelbundet Ca 500 timmars användning. Du kan lätt kontrolleraTekniska Data Störningar VID AnvändningTransport OCH Förvaring Koder FÖR FEL100 Huomautukset JA Varoitukset AsennusJuoksualusta EtukaiteetKäsituki JA Mittari TURVA-AVAIN VerkkojohtoYleistä Harjoittelusta Aloittelijan Taso 50 60 % maksimisykkeestä SykeMittari Käynnistät valitun harjoitteenKäyttäjätietojen Asetus NäytötGRAFIIKKA/TEKSTINÄYTTÖ Sykeohjattu Harjoitus Harjoituksen ValintaMANUAL-HARJOITUS HarjoitusprofiilitProfiilit Oman Profiilin Tallennus MuistitoimintoHarjoittelu Pscn Kanssa Oman Profiilin KäyttöJuoksualustan kulma säätyy automaattisesti 1 % KuntotestiPainikkeella Maton Keskittäminen HuoltoJuoksumaton Puhdistus JA Huoltovoitelu Maton Kireyden Säätö KäyttöhäiriötKuljetus JA Säilytys VirhekooditKorkeus 140 cm Tekniset TiedotPituus 199 cm T80F, T85F T80F, T85F T80, T85 T80, T85 Profiles Page 5834030 a