Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults
Table | IDS Faults (continued) |
| |
| |
Fault Description | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | |
| |
Bad MIC while MFP | This fault is raised against the AP | Not applicable. | Investigate the possibility that a | |
enabled |
| that is observed generating the |
| rogue AP is conducting a spoofing |
| violation. |
| attack against the managed network. |
| Also, make sure that an MFP |
| configuration error (see MFP |
| Configuration error (Detect disabled; |
| should be enabled), page |
| the root cause of the MFP Validation |
| error. It is also possible that |
| communications problems between |
| the WDS and its registered APs have |
| prevented MFP key rotation |
| messages from reaching either the |
| detector or generator AP. |
| |
Bad Sequence Number | This fault is raised against the AP | Not applicable. | See Bad MIC while MFP enabled, | |
while MFP enabled | that is observed generating the |
| page | |
| violation. |
| The fault threshold has been | IDS > Manage IDS | Verify that the fault threshold is set |
DecryptErrorsClient is | exceeded for the number of | Settings > | correctly. | |
detected |
| decryption errors detected by the | CcmpDecryptErrorsC | If the threshold is set correctly, |
| CCMP play mechanism on the | lient | review your network to determine the |
| interface. |
| |
| action necessary to clear the fault | |
| |
| condition. |
| |
CCMP Replay Client is | The fault threshold set has been | IDS > | Verify that the fault threshold is set | |
detected |
| exceeded. | Manage IDS Settings | correctly. |
| When this fault is cleared, the | > General Settings > | If the threshold is set correctly, |
| CcmpReplaysClient | ||
| following message displays: | review your network to determine the | |
| ||
| There is no CCMP Replay |
| action necessary to clear the fault |
| detected |
| condition. |
| |
Client association rate is | The fault thresholds been | IDS > | Verify that the fault threshold is set | |
Degraded number per | exceeded. | Manage IDS Settings | correctly. | |
minute |
| When this fault is cleared, the | > | If the threshold is set correctly, |
| Authentication Error | ||
| following message displays: | review your network to determine the | |
| Rate | ||
| Client association rate is OK. | action necessary to clear the fault | |
| ||
| condition |
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