Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults
Table | IDS Faults (continued) |
| ||
| ||||
| Fault Description | Explanation | Related Setting | Recommended Action | ||||
| ||||
| Unregistered Client(s) | One or more unregistered clients | IDS > | Set the priority of the fault to be | ||||
| present |
| have been detected in the wireless | Manage IDS Settings | generated and the threshold for the | |||
| network, and are unsucessfully | > General IDS | failed authentication attempts by the | |||
| attempting to authenticate with | Settings > | client. | |||
| the APs. | Unregistered Client | Make a physical check near the | |||
| ||||
| The unregistered client fault is |
| scanning AP that reported this fault | |||
| triggered when an AP in scanning |
| to see if there are any rogue clients. | |||
| mode detects a number of probe |
| requests and association requests |
| from a station, client, or access |
| point, which crosses the |
| configuired threshold in the |
| configured time. |
| The registration attempts are not |
| being made to the scanning AP; |
| the attempts are being made to |
| regular APs that the scanning AP |
| notices. |
| The scanning AP counts the |
| packets per station. |
| (The fault is generated based on |
| the configured Client |
| Registration Request Count |
| within a |
| default is 100 registrations, but |
| can be changed to 200, 300, 400 |
| or 500. ) |
| This fault is cleared when no |
| registration attempts are detected |
| during the observation interval |
| (the client leaves the wireless |
| network or is not seen or reported |
| by any Scanning APs). |
| ||||
| Wireless Client MAC | The WLSE has detected a | IDS > | Review your network to determine | ||||
| spoofing detected | spoofed MAC address. | Manage IDS Settings | the action necessary to clear the fault | ||||
| Whenever the WDS detects an | > General IDS | condition. | |||
| Settings > Wireless |
| |
| authentication taking place for a |
| |
| Client MAC Spoofing |
| |
| known MAC address, it verifies |
| |
| |
| that the same user ID is being |
| used. If the user ID does not |
| match, the authentication is |
| rejected and a fault is issued. |
| When this fault is cleared, the |
| following message displays: No |
| Wireless Client MAC Spoofing |
| Detected. |
| |
| FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine |
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