14Click OK when you get the message that the CONFIG.SYS has been successfully updated.
15Click Exit on the Exiting MPTS panel.
16Shut down OS/2 and restart your PC to let the changes take effect.
OS/2 NDIS 2 device driver using MPTS installation is complete when the following conditions exist:
■The device driver files load successfully and there are no error messages.
■You are able to log on and communicate with the network.
If you experience problems, go to Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting.”
IBM LAN Support Program/Native Installation
The LAN Support Program/Native (LSP Native) installs the LAN support driver DXMCSMOD.EXE. It does not support the NDIS environment and should not be used for the installation of NDIS drivers.
Perform the following installation steps for the 3C389 PC Card when using DOS and LSP Native:
1Insert TokenDisk diskette #2 into the floppy drive and type:
a:\lspnativ\dxmaid [Enter]
The default configuration will install both the 3C389 PC Card driver for Native mode (DXMCSMOD.SYS) and the NetBIOS interface (DXMT0MOD.SYS). DXMCSMOD is a