❑IBM PC/AT or compatible with either one
❑640K of available RAM on the PC
❑3Com UDK Key Code. The key code is provided automatically with the UDK for SSS customers. If not already provided, the key code may be obtained by faxing the UDK fax form to 3Com.
Caution: The PC used to download the new software must not be running any background RAM processes, such as electronic mail systems, because they interfere with the download procedure.
How the FDK and UDK Process Works
The 3Com Firmware Distribution Kit (FDK) makes system upgrades fast and easy for all 3Com products that are equipped with Flash PROMs. The first time you update the software requires that you purchase both the FDK and the product UDK. All subsequent updates require that you purchase only the new version of the UDK; you can
When 3Com issues a software upgrade, we send the upgrade on diskette (UDK) to all registered users who order the upgrade or to all customers who have signed up for the Software Subscription Service (SSS). SSS is explained in more detail in the Preface of this manual. The upgrade takes only two or three minutes using an inband download or ten to fifteen minutes for an
Software Download Instructions 5 - 3