This last step of the installation loads the ProComm configuration file. The configuration file sets the parameters that are used by ProComm to communicate with the EMM. The parameters are as follows:
Baud= 9600
Data Bits= 8
Stop Bits= 1
Parity= None
COM Port= (Port number selected in step 7)
11.The message “Installation Complete” is displayed. ProComm is now installed and ready for use.
Connect the RS-232 Cable
This step provides instructions for connecting your PC to the Ethernet Management Module so you can download the software to the Flash EPROM. Follow the instructions below:
1.Connect the provided
2.Connect the other end of the cable to the serial port on your PC (using the provided 9- to
Preparing to Download the New Software
This procedure copies the new EMM software to the Flash EPROM on the Ethernet Management Module. Note that this procedure creates a file called profile.cmd in the PROCOMM directory. If you currently have a file with that name, rename it before the UDK download so that it does not get overwritten. If PROCOMM is on the FDK disk, the disk must be write enabled.
5 - 8 ONline Ethernet Management Module Installation and Operation Guide