6.Issue the DOWNLOAD INBAND command as shown to begin the download.
ONline> download inband
WARNING: Download will erase your current operational code. You will need the following to replace the software:
1.Chipcom Management Module Software residing on a TFTP server accessible over the network.
2.The TFTP variables (see SHOW TFTP and SET TFTP) must be set up to point to the TFTP server. The DEVICE varibles (see SHOW DEVICE and SET DEVICE) must be set up
to a valid IP configuration.
3.The serial number of the Upgrade Distribution Kit.
4.Chipcom Key Code, which is provided by completing the UDK fax form and faxing it to 3Com at (508)
If you are positive that you want to perform a network download, enter the download inband again within 10 seconds. Otherwise, the sequence will be aborted.
7.Press the key sequence
ONline> download inband [ENTER]
Enter Upgrade Distribution Kit Serial number:
8. Enter the serial number from the UDK diskette and press [ENTER].
Enter 3Com Key Code:
9.Enter the Key Code number as supplied from 3Com Corporation and press [ENTER].
Enter Administrator Password | [ENTER] |
10.Enter the administrator password and press [ENTER]. Once the download begins, do not press any keys or interfere with the process.
If you are logged into an EMM remotely, the following message is displayed. Once this message displays, the remote session is terminated and the download begins.
5 - 18 ONline Ethernet Management Module Installation and Operation Guide