ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
warning traps|syslog
notice traps|syslog
information none
debug none
cli: show event-config syslog
Syslog Server
Displaying the Event Log

Use this procedure to display the log of events that the Cuda has generated:

The show event-log command output displays these fields of information

about each event:

Table10-6 Event Log Fields
Task Command
1. Enter root mode. root
2. Display the contents of the event
show event-log
Field Description
Index The number of the event in the log. This number is used
to order the events in the log.
First Time The time that the log entry was created.
Last Time The time that the last even t associated with the log entry
occurred. In some cases, multiple events can be associated
with a single log entry. This tends to happen when
duplicate events are reported. However, when only one
event is reported, then one event is associated with an
entry, which means that the First Time and Las t Time
values are the same.
Counts The number of consecutive event instances that this event
entry reports. The count starts at 1 when the entry is
created and increments by one for each subseq uent
duplicate event.
Level The event’s class (emergency, alert, critical, error,
warning, notice, info, debug).