Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Managing Quality of Service 475
Scheduling Type Upstream scheduling service for an upstream Service
Flow. For downstream Service Flows, the value of
this parameter is “undefined.”
Nominal Polling Interval
Nominal interval, in microseconds, between
successive unicast request opportunities on only an
upstream Service Flow. This value is zero if this
parameter does not apply to the scheduling type of
the QoS parameter set or if the value is unknown.
Nominal Polling does not apply to downstream
Tolerable Poll Jitter
Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that
the unicast request interval delays from the nominal
periodic schedule, on only an upstream Service
Flow. Tolerable Poll Jitter does not apply to
downstream flows.
Unsolicited Grant Size
Unsolicited grant size, in bytes. It includes the entire
MAC frame data PDU from the Frame Control byte
to end of the MAC frame, on only an upstream
flow. Unsolicited Grant Size does not apply to
downstream flows.
Nominal Grant Interval
Nominal interval, in microseconds, between
successive data grant opportunities, on only an
upstream service flow. Nominal Grant Interval does
not apply to downstream flows.
Tolerable Grant Jitter
Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that
the transmission opportunities delay from the
nominal periodic schedule, on only an upstream
flow. Tolerable Grant Jitter does not apply to
downstream flows.
Parameter Description