Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Enabling and Disabling Traffic Relay 89
Enabling and Disabling Traffic Relay
You can configure processes, such as the HTTP server, to send and receive
TCP or UDP packets using an internal address on the Cuda 12000. This
method of sending and receiving packets is called traffic relay.
If you are running a TFTP server on the Cuda 12000 as part of FastFlow BPM
provisioning, you must enable traffic relay for the TFTP server in order to
download configuration files to cable modems. The TFTP server sends and
receives packets using an internal address. Refer to the FastFlow BPM
documentation set for more information on the FastFlow BPM.
The traffic-relay command also allows you to configure the Cuda 12000 for
in-band management. For example, you can use this command to enable
forwarding of Telnet traffic and HTTP traffic using an internal address,
thereby allowing you to perform in-band management of the Cuda 12000
using the CLI or CudaView.
To enable or disable traffic relay for a process, perform these tasks:
Note that the port argument allows you to specify a port that the specified
process uses to listen for incoming requests.
Task Command
1. Enter root mode. root
2. Enable traffic relay for a
traffic-relay {dns | ftp | http | snmp |
snmp-trap | ssh | syslog | telnet |
tftp | time_of_day} [port <port>]
Refer to the Cuda 12000 IP Access
Switch CLI Reference Guide for details
on command syntax.
3. Disable traffic relay for a
no traffic-relay {dns | ftp | http |
snmp | snmp-trap | ssh | syslog |
telnet | tftp | time_of_day}
4. Display traffic relay status. show traffic-relay