Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Request For
Comments (RFC)
A technical policy document of the IETF; these documents can be accessed
on the World Wide Web at
Return Loss The parameter describing the attenuation of a guided wave signal (e.g., via a
coaxial cable) returned to a source by a device or medium resulting from
reflections of the signal generated by the source.
RF See Radio Frequency.
RF DVT Radio Frequency Design Verification Test.
RFC See Request For Comments.
RIP Routing Information Protocol.
Protocol (RIP)
A routing protocol used for IP networks. The RIP protocol calculates the
shortest distance between the source and destination address based on the
lowest hop count.
Service Identifier
A mapping between the CM and the CMTS based on which bandwidth is
allocated to the CM by the CMTS and by which COS is implemented. W ithin
a MAC domain, all SIDs are unique.
SID See Service Identifier.
Simple Network
Protocol (SNMP)
A network management protocol used to monitor IP routers, other network
devices, and the networks to which they attach.
SNAP See Subnetwork Access Protocol.
SNMP See Simple Network Management Protocol.
SOA Start of Authority record. The purpose of the soa record is to inform other
DNS servers how to treat information that the local server provides about the
SOHO Small Office Home Office
SSRAM Synchronous Static RAM.