Cuda 12000 IP Access Switch CLI-based Administration Guide
Configuring BPI and BPI+ Parameters 457
cli: privacy base auth-lifetime 43000
cli: privacy base tek-lifetime 50000
cli: privacy tek 8192 tek-lifetime 604800
cli: privacy encryption 56-bit-des
6. Display the current BPI and BPI+
base configuration, for all
interfaces or for a specified
show [interface cable <c/s/i>] privacy
7. Display the authorization key
configuration and statistics for all
interfaces, a specified interface,
or a specified cable modem.
show [interface cable <c/s/i>] privacy
auth [<mac-address>] {stats | error}
8. Display the TEK configuration
and statistics with associated
SAID for all interfaces, or a
specified interface.
show [interface cable <c/s/i>] privacy
tek [<said>] [stats]
Task Command