ADC Telecommunications, Inc.
Cable Modem MIBs

The following is a list and description of the cable modem MIB tables that

are supported by the Cuda 12000:

Table21-1 Cable Modem MIB Tables
MIB Table Description
docsIfCmMacTable Describes the attributes of each cable
modem MAC interface.
docsIfCmServiceTable Describes the attributes of each upstream
service queue.
docsIfCmStatusTable Maintains status objects and counters for
cable modems.
docsIfDownstreamChannelTable Describes the attributes of the
downstream channel.
docsIfUpstreamChannelTable Describes the attributes of attached
upstream channels. This table is
implemented on both the CMTS and cable
docsIfSignalQualityTable Describes PHY signal quality for
downstream channels.
docsIfQosProfileTable Describes the attributes for each class of
docsBpiCmBaseTable Describes the basic- and authorization-
related Baseline Privacy attributes of each
cable modem MAC interface
docsBpiCmTEKTable Describes the attributes of each CM Traffic
Encryption Key (TEK) association. The CM
maintains (no more than) one TEK
association per SID per CM MAC
docsBpi2CmBaseTable Describes the basic- and authorization-
related Baseline Privacy Plus attributes of
each cable modem MAC interface.
docsBpi2CmTEKTable Describes the attributes of each CM Traffic
Encryption Key (TEK) association for BPI
systemGroup Provides system identification, such as,
contact name, device name and location.