Defining a Frequency Plan
gy B5 ]”p
•ID Number — the Radio ID number (0 to 199)
•Chan Number — the radio channel number (1 to 1023)
•VRAL/CSAC — the Voice RAdio Level (VRAL) for an AMPS radio, or the Control Setup Attenuation Code (CSAC) for an AMPS Setup radio. Range is 0 to 7.
•Output Power — the power at the TX antenna output from the Antenna Interface Frame.
•Ant Number — the antenna number for that radio (0 to 6) (see Table
•Radio Type — 0=AMPS radio, 1=AMPS Setup radio.
huvy 948 | Nu bx Ry |
N ( R | Nyy /u0 |
0 | Omni antenna |
1 | Alpha face of a sectored site |
2 | Beta face of a sectored site |
3 | Gamma face of a sectored site |
4 | Delta face of a |
5 | Epsilon face of a |
6 | Zeta face of a |
gy C5 This completes the definition of the frequency plan for one site (see Figure
S 948B | Ry Syu |
Installation |
Chapter 2 | 45 |