Performing Tests
Single Radio Test
S Nadg gy fuxF
—Set the Configuration Status to Active to test a radio while it is in service, or select Configured to take the radio out of service for testing.
—Enter the Channel Number for the setup radio.
—Enter the Setup ID# (number) for the setup radio.
—Enter the CSAC (Control Setup Attenuation Code) for the setup radio.
—Set the Send Commands to MSC field to YES for automated testing using a PC, or NO to control the Base Station using another method.
gy ?5 Press the k1 [Run] key to begin the test.
gy A5 Follow the
fyy fy
The Test Software will display test results for the radio as it tests. It provides prompts at the top of the display to indicate the measurement or action currently being performed. See Figure
S ?4A | du gy fuxy fy z |
Measurement or action in progress.
70 | Chapter 4 |