Chapter 3: Troubleshooting
SBx Status LEDs Flashing Amber on
If a SBx Status LED is flashing amber, the line card has experienced a FAULT or an error condition. See “SBx STATUS LED Description on the Active
All line cards are hot swappable. This allows the AC power to be connected to the SwitchBlade x3112 while you
If a FAULT condition is encountered for one of the card slots, you can attempt to restart the line card. The following example is for restarting a card in slot 2:
officer SEC>> restart card 2
You will be prompted as follows - enter y for YES:
Do you really want to restart card 2 (Y/N)? y
Command has been submitted
officer SEC>>
If the RESTART CARD command is not successful, remove the line card from the slot and
You can obtain specific card status information for each card slot through the Switchblade x3112 Management Software by entering the SHOW CARD command as follows:
officer SEC>> show card
If the SBx Status LED for the slot is continues to flash amber after the above actions have been taken, contact Allied Telesis for further assistance. Please report the slot where the SBx Status LED fault condition is present and the information obtained from the SHOW CARD command.