Each channel has two limit lines (four for dual displays), each of which
may take on any value. Limit lines are either horizontal lines in recti-
linear displays or concentric circles around the origin in Smith and po-
lar displays.
Each channel can produce segmented limits. They allow different up-
per and lower limit values to be set at up to ten segments across the
measurement range.
6-5 STATUS DISPLAY In addition to the graticules, data, markers, and marker annotation,
the 37xxxE displays certain instrument status information in the data
display area. This information is described below.
Reference Position Marker The Reference Position Marker indicates the location of the reference
value. It is displayed at the left edge of each rectilinear graph-type. It
consists of a green triangular symbol similar to the cursor displayed in
the menu area. You can center this symbol on one of the vertical
graticule divisions and move it up or down using the “Reference Posi-
tion” option. When you do this, the data trace moves accordingly. If you
also select the reference value option, the marker will remain station-
ary and the trace will move with the maximum allowable resolution.
When changing from a full-screen display to half- or quarter-screen
display, the marker will stay as close to the same position as possible.
Scale Resolution Each measurement display is annotated with the scale resolution. For
log-magnitude displays resolution ranges from 0.001 to 50 dB per divi-
sion. Linear displays of magnitude range from 0.001 to 50 units per di-
vision. Cartesian phase displays can range from 0.01 to 90 degrees per
division. The polar display is 45 degrees per display graticule.
Frequency Range Each measurement display is annotated with the frequency range of
the measurement.
Analog Instrument Status The 37xxxE displays analog-instrument-status messages (in red when
appropriate) in the upper right corner of the data-display area (left).
They appear at the same vertical position as line 2 of the menu area. If
more than one message appears, they stack up below that line.
6-12 37xxxE OM
Display screen
showing the data