On menu RD1, selecting AUTO automatically adjusts the reference de-
lay to unwind the phase for the active channel.
The 37xxxE unwinds the phase as follows:
qFirst, it sums the phase increments between each pair of mea-
sured data points, then it takes the average “Pdelta” over the en-
tire set of points
qNext, it corrects the phase data by applying the following for-
correct measured delta
Where P = phase
Assuming there are fewer than 360 degrees of phase rotation between
each data point, the operation described above removes any net phase
offset. The endpoints of the phase display then fall at the same phase
Trace Memory Key: Pressing this key brings up menu NO1. This
menu—which relates to the active channel—allows you to store data
to memory, view memory, perform operations with the stored memory,
and view both data and memory simultaneously. Four memories exist,
one for each channel. This allows each channel to be stored and nor-
malized independent of the other channels. Data from the trace mem-
ory may be stored on the disk or recalled from it.
Trace memory will automatically be set to VIEW DATA
(that is, turned off), if a sweep with a greater number of
points is selected while operating on a stored trace.