Index 19. Enhancement Keys: (Refer to section 4-8,
page 4-29 for details and menu flow diagrams.)
Option Menu: Displays a series of menus showing
the choice of optional features.
Video IF BW: Displays a menu that lets you chose
between 10 kHz, 1 kHz, 100 Hz, or 10 Hz intermedi-
ate frequency (IF) bandwidth filters.
Avg/Smooth Menu: Displays a menu that lets you
enter values for Averaging and Smoothing.
Trace Smooth: Turns the trace smoothing function
on and off.
Average: Turns the average function on and off.
Index 20. USB Connector: Provides a USB connector used to
store selected front panel setups and calibrations.
The USB interface CANNOT be used for
Printers and other USB peripherals. Refer
to Section 4-12 for storage information.
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