Index 23. Data Entry Keys:
Rotary Knob: Used to alter measurement values
for the active parameter (Start Frequency, Stop Fre-
quency, Offset, etc.).
Keypad: Provides for entering values for the active
parameter. The active parameter is the one to which
the menu cursor is pointing.
MHz/X1/ns/cm: Terminates a value entered on the
keypad in the units shown—that is; megahertz for
frequency, unity for dimensionless or angle entries,
nanoseconds for time, or centimeters for length.
GHz/103/ms/m: Terminates a value entered on the
keypad in the units shown—that is; gigahertz for
frequency, 1´103power for dimensionless or angle
entries, microseconds for time, or meters for length.
kHz/10-3/ps/mm: Terminates a value entered on the
keypad in the units shown—that is; kilohertz for
frequency, 1´10-3 for dimensionless or angle entries,
picoseconds for time, or millimeters for length.
•Clear/Ret Loc: Local (Non-GPIB) Mode: (1) The
key clears entries not yet terminated by one of
the terminator keys above, which allows the pre-
viously displayed values to redisplay. Or (2) the
key turns off the displayed menu and expands
the data area to fill the entire screen, if you have
not made any keypad entries needing termina-
•GBIB Mode: The key returns the instrument to
local (front panel) control, unless the controller
has sent a local lockout message (LLO) over the
Index 24. Menu Keys:
Arrow Keys: Moves the menu cursor up and down
to select items appearing in the menu area of the
Enter: Implements the menu selection chosen using
the arrow keys.
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