The standard S2P file format consists of:
qOption Lines
qData Lines
The option line contains the specifications of the data, for example, the
frequency units, the normalizing impedance, and the measured param-
eter (S, Y, Z, etc.).
The option line format is:
# <frequency unit> <parameter> <format> <Rn>
# The delimiter that tells the program you are specifying these param-
frequency unit The set of units desired (GHz, MHz, KHz, Hz)
parameter The parameter desired (S, Y or Z for S1P components; S, Y, Z, G, or
H for S2P components; S for S3P or S4P components)
format The format desired (DB for dB-angle, MA for magnitude-angle, or RI
for real-imaginary)
R n The reference resistance in ohms, where n is a positive number of
ohms (the real impedance to which the parameters are normalized)
The default option line for a component data files is:
For Y-parameters with real imaginary data, the option line header will
change to:
The data lines contain the data of interest. Data for all four S-parame-
ters will be listed on a single line for a particular frequency point. The
format is:
37xxxE OM 8-75