KEY-GROUP The individual keys within the Markers/Limits key-group are de-
scribed below. The menu flow for the Marker Menu key is shown in
Figure 4-15 on the following page. Full descriptions for these menus
can be found in the alphabetical listing (Appendix A) under the menu’s
call letters (M1, M2, M3, etc.)
Marker Menu Key: Pressing the Marker Menu key calls Menu M1. This
menu lets you toggle markers on and off and set marker frequencies,
times, or distances.
Readout Marker Key: Pressing this key calls different menus, depend-
ing upon front panel key selections, as described below:
qIt calls menu M1 if there are no markers available within the se-
lected frequency range
qIt calls menu M3 if no Delta ref marker has been selected
qIt calls menu M4 if the DReference mode is off and the selected
marker is in the current sweep range (or time/distance)
qIt calls menu M5 if the DReference mode and marker are both on
and the DReference marker is in the selected sweep range (or
qIt calls menu M6 if ACTIVE MARKER ON ALL CHANNELS has
been previously selected in menu M9
qIt calls menu M7 if SEARCH has been previously selected in
menu M9
qIt calls menu M8 if FILTER PARAMETER has been previously
selected in menu M9
Limits Key: Pressing this key calls the appropriate Limit menu based
on the graph type selected using the Graph Type key and menu.
Marker Readout Functions: This menu choice, which appears on sev-
eral marker menus, provides for several filter-related measurements.
It also allows for performing a marker-value search and for reading
the active marker value on all displayed channels.
Limit Frequency Readout Function: The 37xxxE has a
Limit-Frequency Readout function. This function allows frequency
values to be read at a specified level (such as the 3 dB point) on the
data trace. This function is available for all rectilinear graph-types.
The graph-type and their menu call letters are listed below:
4-36 37xxxE OM
qLog Magnitude, Menu LF1
qPhase, Menu LF2
qGroup Delay, Menu LF3
qLinear Magnitude, Menu LF4
qSWR, Menu LF5
qReal, Menu LF6
qImaginary, Menu LF7
qPower Out, Menu LF8
qReal, Menu LF6
qImaginary, Menu LF7
qPower Out, Menu LF8
Full menu descriptions can
be found in the alphabetical
listing (Appendix A) under the
menu call letters (LF1, LF2,
LF3, etc.)