Index 12. Save/Recall Menu Key: Displays the first of several
menus that let you save the current calibration or
front panel setup or recall a previously saved cali-
bration or setup. Refer to section 4-4, page 4-20, for
menu flow diagram.
Index 13. Markers/Limits Keys: (Refer to section 4-11,
page 4-36, for details and menu flow diagrams.)
Marker Menu: Displays the first in a series of
menus that let you set and manipulate marker fre-
quencies, times, and distances.
Readout Marker: Displays a menu that lists all of
the active markers. If no markers are active, the
marker menu is displayed.
Limits: Displays one of the menus that let you ma-
nipulate the limit lines.
Index 14. Port 2 Source: Provides for inserting additional
amplification on Port 2 before the coupler.
Index 15. Hard Copy Keys: (Refer to section 4-9, page 4-31,
for details and menu flow diagrams.)
Menu: Displays option menus that let you define
what will happen each time you press the Start
Print key. The displayed menu also selects disk I/O
Start Print: Tells the printer or plotter to start out-
put based on the current selections.
Stop Print: Immediately stops printing the data,
clears the print buffer, and sends a form-feed com-
mand to the printer.
Index 16. Port 2 Test Connector: Provides an input test con-
nection for the device-under-test (DUT).
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