Isolation: For certain measurements which require accurate S21 or
S12 readings for very small values of those parameters, an isolation
step is required to characterize the leakage of the VNA and test setup.
The isolation step can be performed automatically as part of a “Full
2-Port” calibration when using the mechanical module. The isolation
step requires a manual operation for the electronic module. In order to
achieve high accuracy for the characterization of the leakage, a high
averaging factor is needed.
VNA Measurement Averaging Factor: This is the number of
measurements taken at a given data point (frequency) and may be
adjusted to meet the measurement requirements. The average of all
the measurements will become the measured data. For example, if 256
averages is selected, each data point is measured 256 times and the
average of these measurements is displayed, then the VNA moves to
the next data point.
VNA Video IF Bandwidth: The bandwidth of the receiver may be
changed to enhance the measurement accuracy or, conversely, to in-
crease the measurement speed. Selecting the minimum IF bandwidth
results in the greatest accuracy for low-signal-level measurements and
the slowest measurement speed. Selecting the maximum IF band-
width results in the greatest measurement speed and reduced accu-
racy on low-signal-level measurements.This can be set by using the
Video IF BW key and selecting the desired IFBW.
Characterization File: Each calibrator module has a file containing
data which characterizes each standard in the calibrator. This file also
contains information (identification number, start and stop frequen-
cies) concerning the capabilities of the calibrator. Each characteriza-
tion file has the extension “.acd.” When modules are changed, you
must install the appropriate new characterization file. This file can be
installed using the Util key (AutoCal Utilities) to recall the character-
ization file from a USB drive. In addition, each AutoCal module can be
re-characterized using the VNA. A valid 12-term calibration must be
active, which is used to characterize the standards within the module.