4-9 HARD COPY KEY-GROUP The individual keys within the Hard Copy key-group are described be-
low. Full descriptions for menus can be found in the alphabetical list-
ing (Appendix A) under the menu’s call letters (PM1, PM2, PM3, etc.)
Menu Key: Pressing this key brings up menu PM1. This menu allows
you to define what will happen every time you press the Start Print
key. A menu flow diagram is shown in Figure 4-13.
Start Print Key: Pressing this key starts outputting the measured
data as defined by the setup defined by the selected MENU key.
Stop Print Key: Pressing this key can result in any of the following
actions if the printer is selected:
qIf the printer is active, the key aborts the printing and sends a
form feed command to the printer. Aborting the printing clears
the print buffer
qIf the printer is not active and another form of output is active,
pressing this key aborts printing, but does not send a form feed
to the printer
Plotting Functions: The 37xxxE can plot an image of either the entire
screen or subsets of it. Plots can be either full size or they can be
quarter size and located in any of the four quadrants. You can select
different pens for plotting different parts of the screen. You cannot,
however, plot tabular data.