4-12 STORAGE INTERFACE The 37xxxE has two internal storage devices: a 8 GB SD Card and a
USB 2.0 storage interface. The format, directory structure, and files
are compatible with MS-DOS, Version 5.0 and above.
Disk Files The following file types may be found on the 37xxxE SD Card:
qProgram Files: Binary files used to load the operating program.
They are provided on the SD Card and a backup copy is provided
on a USB drive. Application programs cannot read them.
qCalibration Data Files: Binary files used to store and retrieve
calibration and other types of data. Application programs cannot
read them. File size depends on the calibration type.
qTest Files: Typically tab-delimited ASCII files with the "txt" file
extension. They can be read by application programs.
qS2P Parameter Data Files: Files that define a 2-port file format
that includes all four S parameters with the "s2p" file extension.
They can be read by application programs.
qTabular Measurement Data Files: ASCII files used to store ac-
tual measurement data. They can be read by application pro-
grams. File size depends on the type of measurement and the se-
lected options.
qTrace Memory Files: Binary files used to store trace data. Appli-
cation programs cannot read them. Used to perform trace math
operations on collected trace data.
qCal Kit and AutoCal Files: Characterization data files for Coax
or Waveguide calibration components and AutoCal modules.