TRM Calibration Setup Flow—Description
1. Pressing the Begin Cal key calls Menu C17.
2. With one exception, the flow is from left to right in the direction of
the arrow head. The exception occurs in Menu C1, for the TIME
DOMAIN choice. Here the flow direction reverses to Menu C2C
then returns to a left-to-right flow on to Menu C3H, C3J, or C3I.
3. Arrowheads that point both left and right indicate that the flow
returns to the right-most menu after a choice had been made.
4. The group of menus to the left of Menu C3H, C3J, or C3I are the
initial selection set and are essentially the same for all four
calibration types: Standard, Offset-Short, TRM, and LRL/LRM.
5. The group of menus that follow Menu C3H, C3J, or C3I are, for the
most part, type specific. The selection of Menu C3H, C3I, or C3J
depends upon the choice made in Menu C11A: COAXIAL,
37xxxE OM 4-17