Index 21. Channels Keys: (Refer to section 4-6, page 4-24, for
details and menu flow diagrams.)
Channel Menu: Displays a menu that lets you se-
lect the format for the number of channels dis-
Ch 1: Makes Channel 1 the active channel. The ac-
tive channel is the one acted on by the keys in the
Display section. Only one channel can be active at
any one time.
Ch 2: Makes Channel 2 the active channel.
Ch 3: Makes Channel 3 the active channel.
Ch 4: Makes Channel 4 the active channel.
Index 22. Measurement Keys: (Refer to section 4-5, page 4-21
for details and menu flow diagrams.)
Setup Menu: Displays the first of several menus
that let you select functions affecting measure-
Data Points: Displays a menu that lets you select
between 1601, 801, 401, 201, 101, or 51 data points.
Hold: Toggles the instrument in and out of the hold
mode; or it triggers a sweep, depending on the func-
tion selected in menu SU4 (Appendix A).
Domain: Displays the first in a series of menus that
let you set the Time Domain display parameters.
(This key is only active if your 37xxxE is equipped
with the Time Domain option.)
•If already in the Domain menus, pressing this
key will return to the first menu in the sequence.
•If in the Domain menus and another (non-time
domain) menu is displayed by pushing a menu
key, the last displayed domain menu redisplays
when the Domain key is next pressed.
Applications Menu: Displays the first in a series of
menus that provide instructions for adapter removal
and gain compression.