resolution, that frequency and the marker will continue to display. It
will display even if its frequency is not consistent with the data points
in the lower-resolution sweep.
STORAGE OUTPUT In addition to the LCD screen, the Model 37xxxE is capable of
outputting measured data as a:
qTabular Printout
qScreen-Image Printout
qPen Plot
qDisk Image of the Tabular Data Values
The selection and initiation of this output is controlled by the Hard
Copy keys.
Tabular Printout An example of a tabular format is shown in Figure 6-14 (page 6-16).
The tabular formats are used as follows:
qTabular Printout Format: Used when printing three or four chan-
qAlternate Data Format: Used when printing one or two channels.
In tabular printouts, the 37xxxE shifts the data columns to the left
when an S-Parameter is omitted. Leading zeroes are always
suppressed. The heading (Model, Device ID, Date, Operator, Page)
appears on each page.
Screen-Image Printout In a Screen-Image Printout, the exact data displayed on the screen is
dumped to the printer. The dump is in the graphics mode, on a
pixel-by-pixel basis.
Plotter Output The protocol used to control plotters is “HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard
Graphics Language). HP-GL contains a comprehensive set of vector
graphics type commands. These commands are explained in the Inter-
facing and Programming Manual for any Hewlett-Packard plotter,
such as the 7470A.
When the plotter is selected as the output device, it is capable of draw-
ing the graph shown on the screen or of drawing only the data trace(s).
Multiple traces may be drawn on a single sheet of paper (in different
colors, if needed).
Storage Output The 37xxxE can write-to or read-from the SD Card or USB drive all
measured data. This data is stored as an ASCII file in the exact same
format as that shown for the tabular printout in Figure 6-14
(page 6-16). If read back from the storage device, the data is output to
the printer and prints as tabular data.