Switched Rack PDU
21000, you would use the following command for a Windows FTP client transferring a file to a Rack PDU with an IP address of
ftp> open 21000
4.Log on using the Administrator user name and password. (apc is the default for both.)
5.Upgrade the AOS. For example:
ftp> bin
ftp> put apc_hw02_aos_264.bin
6.When FTP confirms the transfer, type Quit to close the session.
7.Wait 20 seconds, and then repeat step 2 through step 6, but in step 5, use the application module file name instead of the AOS module.
Instructions for using SCP. To use Secure CoPy (SCP) to upgrade the firmware for one Rack PDU:
1.Identify and locate the firmware modules described in the preceding instructions for FTP.
2.Use an SCP command line to transfer the AOS firmware module to the Rack PDU. The following example assumes a Rack PDU IP address of, and an AOS module of apc_hw02_aos_264.bin.)
scp apc_hw02_aos_264.bin apc@
3.Use a similar SCP command line, with the name of the application module instead of the AOS module, to transfer the application module to the Rack PDU.
How to upgrade multiple Rack PDUs
Export configuration settings. You can create batch files and use an APC utility to retrieve configuration settings from multiple Rack PDUs and export them to other Rack PDUs.