Special keys on the Macintosh PowerBook Duo 2300 series keyboard
Delete key Return key
Tab key
Caps Lock indicator Caps Lock key
Control key
Option key
~ | ! | @ | # | $ | % |
| & | * | ( | ) |
| + |
’ | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 |
| = |
| delete |
| Q | W |
| E | R | T |
| Y | U |
| I | O | P |
| { | } | \ |
tab |
| [ | ] | |||||||||||
caps | A | S |
| D | F |
| G | H | J |
| K | L | : |
| " |
| return |
lock |
| ; |
| |||||||||||
| < | > |
| ’ |
| Z | X | C | V |
| B | N |
| M | ? |
| ||
shift |
| , | . | / | shift |
| ||||||||
ctrl | option |
| esc |
| enter |
x(Command) key | Escape key |
| Enter key | Arrow keys |
| Shift key |
Arrow keys | Move the insertion point, as an alternative to using the pointing device. |
| In some programs, the arrow keys have other functions. |
Caps Lock key | A locking Shift key for letters only (numbers and symbols aren’t affected). |
x(Command) key Works in combination with other keys as an alternative to choosing a menu command.
Control key | In combination with other keys, provides shortcuts or modifies actions. |
Delete key | Deletes selected material, or the character to the left of the insertion point. |
Enter key | In a dialog box, pressing Enter is the same as clicking the outlined button. |
| In some programs, confirms information you have provided. |
Escape key | The function of this key depends on the program you’re using. |
Option key | In combination with other keys, produces special characters or modifies |
| actions. |
Return key | Moves the insertion point to the beginning of the next line. In a dialog box, |
| pressing Return is the same as clicking the outlined button. |
Shift key | Produces capital letters (or the upper character on the key). |
Tab key | Moves the insertion point to the next stopping place (such as a tab stop or |
| data field). |
140 Appendix B