The PowerBook Duo Floppy Adapter
The PowerBook Duo Floppy Adapter allows you to connect an external 1.4 MB floppy disk drive
Apple Desktop Bus (ADB) port
PowerBook Duo Floppy Adapter
External floppy disk drive port
Connecting a printer
The printer/external modem port (´) on your Macintosh PowerBook can accept either a direct connection (to a printer such as a StyleWriter) or a network connection (to a printer such as a LaserWriter). In addition to connecting the printer or network cable to the port, you may have to adjust one or more software settings to assure that the computer’s signals reach your printer.
Adjustments for a printer connected directly to the port
If you are connecting a printer directly to the printer/external modem port, be sure to
mselect the icon for your printer in the Chooser
mturn off AppleTalk in the Chooser
Note: If an internal modem is installed, remove the X from the box labeled “Use internal modem instead of Modem Port” in the Express Modem control panel or click the Normal button in the PowerBook Setup control panel.
For instructions, see “How do I print?” in the “Printing & Fonts” topic area of Macintosh Guide, available in the Guide (h) menu.
Connecting Additional Equipment | 39 |