symbols and international characters, typing
system errors 86 system failures
clean installation of system software and 116
file sharing and network software 106 problems with system extensions 110 system software and 57
throwing away extras 86 system software
making a copy of 57 reinstalling
reinstalling system software and 116, 119
troubleshooting 82, 84,
Tab key 140
television or radio reception, interference with vii
temperature ranges
for computer and docks 132 for floppy disks 134
for storing the computer 137 terminators. See SCSI terminators tilde (~), typing 154
tips (Finder shortcuts)
Top Cover Upgrade for earlier Duo Dock models 37
Topics button Macintosh Guide
Macintosh Shortcuts window 33, 34 trackpad
illustration 2, 10 learning to use
trackpad button 2, 10 Trackpad control panel 93
trackpad shortcuts
a battery 133, 136 the computer 17, 131
traveling with the computer
Apple Remote Access
83, 102
“bomb” icon/message 79 can’t throw away a file
computer makes unusual sounds 91 connecting to another computer
desktop is rebuilt each time computer starts up 85
Duo Dock
external equipment connections 103 external monitor
file sharing
interference with radio or television reception vii
keyboard/typing problems 94, 103
modem 103,
not enough memory
to load all system software extensions 84
for “native” application programs 55
for printing 87, 100
to run a program 87, 88 for shared library 56