blinking question mark icon 8, 83, 102, 113
“bomb” icon/message, troubleshooting 79
brightness controls adjusting 8, 80, 82, 95 illustration 2, 8
on external monitors 95
Cable 43, 44, 46, 102
Apple SCSI Peripheral Interface Cable 43, 44
safety instructions for 131 Caps Lock key 140
carpal tunnel syndrome 126 cedilla (ç), typing 154 chair, adjusting to prevent
discomfort 127
charge level of battery monitoring
displaying shared disks 108 selecting a printer 100
turning on AppleTalk 100, 104, 105, 107, 108
circumflex (^), typing 154 cleaning the computer 132
clean installation of system software
close box defined 14
in Macintosh Guide window 30, 31 in Macintosh Shortcuts window
33, 34
Command (x) key 140
to another computer, troubleshooting
the computer as a hard disk
other devices 50 a printer
sound input/output devices 49
conserving battery power 17, 18, 75 Control key 140
control panels Easy Access 94
effects of resetting PRAM on 81 Express Modem
Memory 88, 91
Monitors 95, 96
Network 104, 106
Password Security 45, 47, 101 PowerBook 95, 96 PowerBook Display 96 PowerBook Setup 42, 45 Remote Access Setup 107, 108 Sharing Setup 104, 105, 106 Startup Disk 93
Trackpad 93
Control Panels folder 104, 110 Control Strip
Battery Monitor portion 65 illustration 13, 15
Sleep Now portion 18 using 15
Video Mirroring portion 96 copying included software using Floppy
Disk Maker