TTCAN | User’s Manual | Revision 1.6 |
Any number of bits may be written to ‘0’ (cleared) at the same time. Bits that are written to ‘1’ remain unchanged.
15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CfE | ApW | WTr | IWT | CEL | TxO | TxU | GTE | Dis | GTW | SWE | TMI | SoG | CSM | SSM | SBC |
rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw | rw |
CfE Config Error
Set when an error is found in the Trigger List.
ApW Application Watchdog
Set when the application watchdog was not served in time.
WTr Watch Trigger
Set when a Watch Trigger became active (missing Reference Message).
IWT Initialisation Watch Trigger
Set when an Initialisation Watch Trigger became active (no system
Note : The initialisation is restarted by resetting IWT.
CEL | Change of Error Level |
| Set when the Error Level changed. |
TxO | Tx_Count Overflow |
| Set when the FSE sees more than Expected_Tx_Trigger in one Matrix Cycle. |
TxU | Tx_Count Underflow |
| Set when the FSE sees less than Expected_Tx_Trigger in one Matrix Cycle. |
GTE | Global Time Error |
| Set when Synchronisation Deviation SD exceeds specified limit SDL (level2 only). |
Dis | Global Time Discontinuity |
| Set on discontinuity of the Global Time (Disc_Bit in the Reference Message). |
GTW | Global Time Wrap |
| Set when a Global Time wrap occurred (from 0xFFFF to 0x0000). |
SWE | Stop Watch Event |
| Set when a rising edge is detected at the STOP_WATCH_TRIGGER pin. |
TMI | Time Mark Interrupt |
| Set when the selected time equals value in Time Mark register. |
SoG | Start of Gap |
| Set when a Gap is detected (Next_is_Gap bit in the Reference Message). |
CSM | Change of Synchronisation Mode |
| Set when the master to slave relation or the schedule synchronisation changed. |
SSM | Start of System Matrix Cycle |
| Set when a new System Matrix Cycle has started. |
SBC | Start of Basic Cycle |
| Set when a new Basic Cycle has started. |
BOSCH | - 33/77 - | 11.11.02 |