Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Thread Breakage Information on Needle Bar
Main items to be displayed
No. of thread breakage occurrences | Number that thread breakage has occurred |
No. of stitches | Number of stitches used in embroidery |
Thread breakage rate | Rate of thread breakage for 10,000 stitches |
Sub items to be displayed
Displays the following for each item in main display items.
Total | Total of the item for each head and each needle |
Needle Bar with frequent | Data of three needles that have caused thread |
thread breakage occurrences | breakage most frequently |
Thread Breakage Information in Pattern
Head no. where thread | Head number that has caused thread breakage |
breakage occurred |
Needle bar no. where thread | Needle number that has caused thread breakage |
breakage occurred |
No. of stitches until thread | Number of stitches until thread breakage has |
breakage | occurred |
Speed range | Speed range when thread breakage has occurred |
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