Chapter 8 Creating Production Report
Display Example of Total Output Information
Displays the output information per pattern on multiple machines that are selected.
Display | Contents |
Number | The pattern embroidered during the specified period is numbered. |
Pattern name | Name of the pattern |
No. of stitches in pattern | Number of stitches in the pattern |
Total stitches (*) | Total number of stitches by repeating embroidering |
| No. of stitches in pattern X No. of times embroidered |
No. of colors in pattern (*) | Number of colors in the pattern |
No. of times embroidered (*) | Number of embroidering repeated |
No. of workpieces embroidered (*) | Number of finished sheets by one embroidering cycle |
Total no. of heads which | Total number of the heads at rest for one embroidering |
are stopped | cycle |
Embroidering time (*) | Time from embroidering start to the end for the pattern |
Actual embroidering time (*) | Actual embroidering time excluding the stop time by thread |
| breakage, suspension and errors from the embroidering time |
Actual embroidering speed (*) | Average embroidering speed in the actual embroidering |
| time (the number of stitches per minute) |
| Total stitches/actual embroidering time |
Efficiency 1 (*) | Ratio of the actual embroidering time to the embroidering |
| time for the pattern with time for interruption excluded |
| Actual embroidering time/(embroidering |
| interruption) |
Efficiency 2 (*) | Ratio of the actual embroidering time to the embroidering time |
| Actual embroidering time / embroidering time |
Time stopped (*) | Total of stop time during embroidering |
Reason for stoppage (*) | Reasons for stoppage are indicated. Refer to page 209. |
The items marked with "*" can be shown or hidden on the " Setting items to be
displayed" screen.
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