4 ❚ If you hear a person’s voice:
Start your conversation. If the caller wants to send a document after talking to you, ask them to press the start button on their fax machine. When you hear a slow beep, press [Start] on the fax to begin receiving the document. Hang up the handset.
•If the extension phone is located away from your fax, dial the remote receiving ID on the extension phone and hang up. (see p.
•The fax begins receiving the document.
❚If you hear a slow beep tone:
Someone is trying to send you a document. Press [Start] on the fax to begin receiving the document. Hang up the handset.
•If the extension phone is located away from your fax, dial the remote receiving ID on the extension phone and hang up. (see p.
•The fax begins receiving the document.
Be sure to hang up the handset after you press [Start] otherwise the call will be disconnected.