Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
VXML Problems
Step 5 Make sure that VXML, grammar, and audio files are correct by validating each piece separately before
connecting them all together.
Step 6 Tracing subfacilities that are helpful in debugging the Voice Browser steps include: SS_VB,
SS_MRCP_TTS, SS_MRCP_ASR, and SS_CMT. See the Tracing chapter of this book for additional
Step 7 Make sure the file fetching locations are reachable and correct.
Step 8 Check the syntax of the application by including VoiceXML DTD shipped with Cisco CRS.
Timeout attribute for non-input does not work
Symptom The timeout attribute when set to 0 causes VXML script execution to wait forever when run
with Nuance. Nuance implements a timeout of 0 by waiting indefinitely, which is not compliant with the
VXML specification.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause Using timeout=0, for example,
<form id="form1"><property name="timeout" value="0s"/> <field name="myField">
<prompt count="1"> No input expected. Say nothing </prompt>
Recommended Action Using a timeout of 1 ms will effectively provide the behavior expected by the
VXML specification; that is,
<property name="timeout" value="1ms"/>
Menu Choice DTMF does not work
Symptom An error.badfetch is thrown when using the menu element of Voice XML 2.0 with the DTMF
attribute set toTrue.
Error Message error.badfetch
Possible Cause When the menu element is set to true; that is, <menu dtmf="true">, then in the choice
element, DTMF values can only be *,#, or 0. For example, the following VXML code is not allowed:
<menu id="aa" dtmf="true">
<prompt> Welcome to the automated attendant. To enter the phone number of the
person you are trying to reach, press 1. To enter the name of the person you
are trying to reach, press 2. To transfer to the operator, press 0. </prompt>
<choice dtmf="1" next="#dial_by_extn">1</choice>
<choice dtmf="2" next="#dial_by_name">2</choice>
<choice detm="0" next="#operator">0,/choice> </menu>
Recommended Action Use an example like the following, which is allowed: