Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
Chapter7 Configuring Switch-Ba sed Authentication Configuring the Switch for Secure Shell
To return to the default SSH control parameters, use the no ip ssh {timeout | authentication-retries}
global configuration command.
Displaying the SSH Configuration and Status
To display the SSH server configuration and status, use one or more of the privileged EXEC commands
in Table 7 -3:
For more information about these commands, see the Secure Shell Commands section in the “Other
Security Features” chapter of the Cisco IOS Security Command Reference, Cisco IOS Release12.2, at
this URL:
Step5 show ip ssh
show ssh
Show the version and configuration information for your SSH server.
Show the status of the SSH server connections on the switch.
Step6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Table7-3 Commands for Displaying the SSH Server Configuration and Status
Command Purpose
show ip ssh Shows the version and configuration information for the SSH server.
show ssh Shows the status of the SSH server.