Cisco ME 3400 EthernetAccess Switch SoftwareConfiguration Guide
STP (continued)
loop guard
described 16-4
enabling 16-9
modes supported 14-9
multicast addresses, effect of 14-8
optional features supported 1-4
overview 14-2
path costs 11-21, 11-22
Port Fast
described 16-2
enabling 16-5
port priorities 11-20
preventing root switch selection 16-3
protocols supported 14-9
redundant connectivity 14-8
root guard
described 16-3
enabling 16-9
root port, defined 14-3
root switch
configuring 14-14
effects of extended system ID 14-4, 14-14
election 14-3
unexpected behavior 14-15
shutdown Port Fast-enabled port 16-2
status, displaying 14-22
superior BPDU 14-3
timers, described 14-20
stratum, NTP 5-2
strict priority queuing 30-48
configuration guidelines 30-48
configuring 30-49
defined 30-22
QoS 30-22
stub areas, OSPF 32-27
subdomains, private VLAN 12-1
subnet mask 32-5
subnet zero 32-6
success response, VMPS 11-23
summer time 5-13
SunNet Manager 1-3
supernet 32-6
and IP unicast routing 32-3
and router ACLs 28-4
connecting VLANs 9-6
defined 9-5
routing between VLANs 11-2
switch console port 1-4
Switch Database Management
switched packets, ACLs on 28-37
Switched Port Analyzer
switched ports 9-2
switchport block multicast command 21-7
switchport block unicast command 21-7
switchport command 9-12
switchport mode dot1q-tunnel command 13-7
switchport protected command 21-6
switch priority
MSTP 15-19
STP 14-19
switch software features 1-1
switch virtual interface
synchronization, BGP 32-43
See system message logging
system clock
daylight saving time 5-13
manually 5-11
summer time 5-13
time zones 5-12
displaying the time and date 5-12
overview 5-2